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Revision as of 13:09, 11 December 2009 by Bochecha (talk | contribs) (→‎Standalone announcements: added the news on

Fedora Events: Fedora 12 Release Party - Paris, France

  • More Information at ...

When and Where

  • 2009, December the 12th and 13th. From 12h to 18h
  • Carrefour Numérique de la Cité des Sciences, Paris, France

Responsible Ambassadors


  • You --> \o


  • ...

Along Fedora 12 announcements

Standalone announcements


At someone's home

You have a spare room ? Add your name in the table below.

Host Rooms Guest Observations
Mathieu Bridon 1 I can host 2 people if they don't mind sharing the same double bed

You need a couch ? Add your name below.

  • Tom Dubin
  • ...


Pickup any task you want, add any task you think is necessary for the event to be a success.

Task Owner Status Observations
Make Fedora 12 live CDs Thomas Canniot
Find hosting Thomas Canniot
Find a restaurant Choose a good restaurant, see how many people would come, book it,...
Contact news sites, press, ...
Write the french comm' page early! Mathieu Bridon Let's not write it after the announcements this time :)
Make some F12 liveUSBs for the usability workshop

For the status column, you can use the following templates:

  • {{Template:Warning}} for a task that is not attributed / started yet
  • {{Template:Important}} for a task started but not completed yet
  • {{Template:Check}} for a closed task


Conferences and workshops can be submitted until November the 22nd 2009


You like speaking in front of people ? Add your great conference below.

Subject Speaker Slides URL Accessibility schedule Confirmed ? Obs.
Le Projet Fedora Thomas Canniot Not yet *
La traduction Thomas Canniot Not yet * Bouska en co-conférencier ?
SugarLabs/OLPC/... Sean Daly Not yet *
La Quadrature/Hadopi/Neutralité du Net/... ??? Not yet * N'ont pas souhaité participer
Mozilla/Le Web/... Sonny Piers ? Not yet * Mathieu est en contact avec eux
Tor Misc Not yet *
OpenMoko Misc Not yet *
Les formats ouverts Thierry Stoerh Not yet * N'a jamais répondu à l'invitation
Puppet et Cobbler William Hoffman Not yet * Préfèrerait passer le samedi à 15h

NB: Accessibility has 3 levels, represented here by stars (1 is the lowest, most accessible).


You like explaing stuff to others ? Add your amazing workshop below.

Subject Speaker Accessibility schedule Confirmed ? Obs.
Les jeux vidéos sous Linux * Devraient venir à 4 ou 5, voir sebastienb chez eux.
La traduction MrTom et Bouska * voir avec Bouska sinon alone Bouska sera là
Etat des lieux « usability » des interfaces actuelles et futures VX et François de Parinux * Ils auront besoin de liveUSB persistantes F12 prêtes à l'avance.
Découverte de Fedora 12 Tom Dubin et Alexandre Frandemiche *
Administration basique et avancée de Fedora Mathieu Bridon
William Hoffmann
Michael Scherer
de * à ***


  • no report... yet !


  • no pictures... yet !