From Fedora Project Wiki

General Information

My name is Pablo H. Cattaneo. I am 33 years and I am linux user since 1995. Since then I have tried many

distributions (Redhat, Debian, Slackware, owl, root, mandriva, etc). Currently I have my office two linux servers with Fedora (ISP server) and Ubuntu. (LAMP Server).

About Me

  • SysAdmin & NetAdmin
  • Computer Consultant
  • Computer Security Expert
  • RHSA - Red Hat System Administration
  • RHNA - Red Hat Network Administration


  • Email: pablo.cattaneo AT gmail DOT com
  • IRC: #fedora-latam on #fedora-es
  • Fedora Account: cattaneop
  • Location: Argentina.

Activities within Fedora

Activities related to Free Software

  • Staff Training Government Public Administration on the use of open source applications.
  • Talk of "Information Security" in the Government Public Administration.
  • Participation in the Network Migration in the province of government.