From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:47, 2 June 2010 by Crantila (talk | contribs) (created page as copy-paste from proposal)
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Schedule, by Project Week Number

  1. (28 - 30 May):
    • Write message and find subjects for tutorial-algorithm testing, and target-audience testing.
    • Create development/testing environments (list is for personal reference):
      • Fedora 13 x64 (KDE only) on fwt
      • Fedora 13 i686 (KDE only) on hp
      • Fedora 13 x64 (KDE) in vbox
      • Fedora 13 x64 (GNOME) in vbox
      • Fedora 13 x64 (XFCE) in vbox
      • Fedora 13 i686 (KDE) in vbox
      • Fedora 13 i686 (GNOME) in vbox
      • Fedora 13 i686 (XFCE) in vbox
  2. (31 May - 6 June):
    • Finalize tutorial topics, revising schedule as needed.
    • Compile list of users/platforms willing to help with testing.
    • Begin Writing Tutorial Algorithms (these will require less research):
      • Sound Servers: JACK
      • Sound Servers: PulseAudio
      • Planet CCRMA: Repository Configuration
      • Recording: Audacity
      • Synthesizers: SuperCollider
      • Typesetting: LilyPond
      • Typesetting: Frescobaldi
  3. (7 - 13 June):
    • Test previous week's tutorial algorithms.
    • Finish writing tutorial algorithms (these will require more research):
      • Recording: Ardour
      • Synthesizers: FluidSynth/QSynth
      • Synthesizers: Rosegarden
      • Synthesizers: Qtractor
      • Training: GNU Solfege
  4. (14 - 20 June):
    • Test previous week's tutorial algorithms.
    • Review algorithms, seeking possible mistakes or pitfalls, and forewarn about them.
    • Buffer week.
  5. (21 - 27 June):
    • Ensure contact is made with the Docs SIG about the evolution to an "official" document.
    • Begin writing documents on the Fedora Wiki (algorithms will already be on the Wiki):
      • Sound Cards
      • Sound Servers: ALSA, Phonon, and Informational Background
      • Sound Servers: JACK
      • Sound Servers: PulseAudio
      • Planet CCRMA: Informational Background
      • Planet CCRMA: Repository Configuration
      • Recording: Audacity vs. Ardour
      • Recording: Audacity
      • Synthesizers: SuperCollider
      • Typesetting: LilyPond
      • Typesetting: Frescobaldi
  6. (28 June - 4 July): Week of Canada Day
    • Finish writing documents on the Fedora Wiki:
      • Recording: Ardour
      • Synthesizers: FluidSynth/QSynth
      • Synthesizers: Rosegarden
      • Synthesizers: Qtractor
      • Training: GNU Solfege
    • Begin target-audience testing with previous week's material.
  7. (5 - 11 July): Midterm
    • Continue target-audience testing.
    • Revise documents to incorporate target-audience comments.
    • Must have found editor, if the Guide is to be turned into an "official" document.
    • Write midterm report, due on 12 July.
  8. (12 - 18 July):
    • Finish target-audience testing.
    • Finish revising documents to incorporate comments of target-audience tests.
  9. (19 - 25 July):
    • Convert document to DocBook XML?
    • Write and Test Optional Sections (Algorithms):
      • Kernel Optimization
      • Webcasting: Icecast
  10. (26 July - 1 August):
    • Finish converting to DocBook XML?
    • Write and Test Optional Sections (Prose):
      • Kernel Optimization
      • Webcasting: Icecast
  11. (2 - 8 August): Week of Another Long Weekend:
    • This is a buffer week, which shall receive no assigned task (except optional tasks).
    • Convert Optional Sections to DocBook XML
  12. (9 August): Project Completion.
    • Write final report, due 16 August.
    • Create "snapshot" of all documents, due 16 August.
    • Write evaluation, due 16 August.
  13. Return to real life.