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What PulseAudio Is, and Why It Exists

(no algorithms)

Knowing When to Use PulseAudio

(no algorithms)

Integrating PulseAudio with JACK

  1. run 'yum install pulseaudio-module-jack'
  2. edit '/etc/pulse/' to add:
 load-module module-jack-sink
 load-module module-jack-source
 ** I did it just underneath the commented-out #load-module module-alsa-sink, etc.
  1. Restart PulseAudio (run 'killall pulseaudio') OR (restart the computer)
  2. Confirm that it works by opening QjackCtl
    1. The display should already say "Active"
    2. In the "Connect" window, on the 'Audio' tab, there should be PulseAudio devices on each side, and they should be connected to "system" on the other side.
  3. Open QjackCtl's "Setup" window, then go to 'Options' tab, then uncheck "Execute script after Shutdown: killall jackd", so that JACK remains running, for use with PulseAudio, after QjackCtl is closed.
  4. When PulseAudio starts JACK, it uses the the command found in '~/.jackdrc', and QjackCtl automatically updates that (if it doesn't then edit it yourself)
  5. If you use a very high sample rate, then PulseAudio uses a lot of CPU power

?!?!?! Which settings get loaded when PulseAudio starts jackd ?!?!?!

How to Remove PulseAudio

  • warn of the dangers
  • list reasons why this might be done (i.e. if you have an audio-production-only machine)

1.) "in sound preferences select 'no sounds'" 2.) "in gstreamer-properties, setup specific ALSA devices" then... 1.) run 'yum remove pulseaudio' 2.) Check that it's not going to remove lots of useful things.

 ** pull sout alsa-plugins-pulseaudio, kde-settings-pulseaudio, pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, pulseaudio-module-x11 on hp-fedora

3.) When it's finished, restart the computer. 4.) PulseAudio will no longer run. To verify this, run 'ps aux | grep pulseaudio' and see that only one line of output will be given, and that it says "grep pulseaudio" (this is the command that you just ran) 5.) ??? Run 'rm -dfR ~/.pulse' ???

Reconfigure your audio applications

  1. If you're using JACK, then just do it with JACK.
  2. Make the file '~/.asoundrc' as below
    1. in the 'slave' section, what comes after 'pcm' should be found out from 'cat /proc/asound/cards'
    2. you can use the typical hw:0,0 notation if you wish, but hw:IXP is more robust, because it cannot refer to another soundcard
  3. If you're using KDE and Phonon, then you'll need to use KDE's "System Settings" application, under "Multimedia"
    1. open "System Settings"
    2. select "Multimedia"
    3. set the Output Device priorities as you wish - use the "Test" button to ensure that the device works
    4. if you want a single device setup to apply to all categories, then use the "Apply Device List To..." button
    5. you'll need to use KMix to reset the volume levels (see 'Settings > Configure Channels' if needed)