From Fedora Project Wiki
This page often changes!
Because this page will be updated before every meeting, it's important to paste the proper version of the agenda into the reminder emails that are sent to the FAmSCo list and the Ambassadors list.

Current action items

  • Max
    • Delete old tickets with private info, then open famsco's trac instance to the public.
  • Susmit
  • Susmit & Lfoppiano
  • Joerg
    • collect and aggregate the answers from the Mentors Survey
  • All
    • Provide Feedback from regional Meetings about important Milestones which have to be listed under the official Release Schedule
      • From FAMNA meeting on 06/01/2010 - Have a scheduled action item from 8/3 - 8/10 to discuss on-list and pick a spin for F14 that will get a custom DVD/CD Sleeve. Decision will be filed in a ticket with Design. This date is post spins freeze.
      • During EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 2010-06-23 - 22:37 < liknus> #agreed emea ambassadors have nothing to add here

2010-06-21 agenda

Old business

  • Review open action items.
    • #agreed to proceed the discussion on Discussion on Additional Restrictions on Ambassadors Membership - on the famsco mailing list

New business

  • Our Ambassador Conduct needs some love ? [1]
  • Private information in famsco trac [2]
  • clarification for a famsco ticket is needed Ticket76

Every week, depending on time

  • 10 minutes -- short regional reports and feedback.
  • Max -- Lead review of open tickets.