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Revision as of 14:40, 20 July 2010 by Sagabhi (talk | contribs)

 First let me Welcome The Linux Enthusiasm within you, which took yourself to an another - your kind of Enthusiastic student's User-page.
 I'm starting describing my-self starting from how I met Linux... It was my Second Year of Engineering studies in I.T. I haven't any knowledge of Open-source since than before(wtf?). However it wasn't any gorgeous day of my life or there weren't any miracle came for me but that day completely ruined my mind, as fast as I came to know that there is any movement is going on since last more than three decades and that movement is known for its best quality software with no prize(omg!! no prize charges in this money sucking world??) and any one can use all available softwares and help this movement in designing, developing, improving any software too without paying or without getting paid means any good student can freely be a part of this extraordinary project and can improve their engineering skills too(wow!!). That incident took me to our university's computer lab and I start searching on that more and more and i made me bunk my HOD's Lecture. I spent about 2 to 3 hours to get more and more information on that 'HOT TOPIC'(to me). And after a week of that incident I've visited a seminar on open-source technology at one well-known engineering university and gently I was getting attracted by Open-source more and more. And after keep on searching the web-world on Open-source, search introduce me to the world of Linux (before this I've just heard about Linus Torvalds).
 Now my hands are waiting to start using this system of openness. And after the time period of about four months I meet fedora 9(by that time Latest) which is stable under the hood of my laptop (however I've first used the Ubuntu but fedora took a tip of smile on my face). And I was so glad that I am using the well-known fedora Linux OS. However it took me around 6 to 8 months of time to easily move my hands within my fedora machine, but after so much of brain storming sessions on learning Linux finally I'm now able to run and repair-up my fedora machine on my own(Yupieee!!!).
 And nowadays I think that the time have now arrived to start using those opportunities the god almighty have given me in the form of Open-source world. And I already started some programs and projects to spread the awareness of my new world of Open-source. And now within a month or to I'll be able to setup our own university's LUG(feels good!!). And I also start awareness at some small and larger scale business places, schools, stores and planning to aware the medical and dental students. All this thing's center would be my favorite FEDORA. See besides this I'm also working on some huge projects enabled with cluster and cloud computing applications suitable for the small scale businesses and may be that would be under the title of fedora or Redhat and make it open for all(obviously). And also want to setup my arms on 'Sugar on a Stick' - kind to project. And much more.
 And here i'm applying for the one of the most beautiful opportunity, named as 'Fedora Ambassador'. I not a too geek guy nether I'm a student of the World's best engineering institute but I am promising with my words to the world that I will always try  my best to contribute to the world of Open-source in however way possible and available for me.
 Thank you.

Username: sagabhi Email: / +91 99233 48008 / +91 99781 21453 Name: Abhishek S. Kotecha Age: 21 Education: Pursuing B.Tech. final year in the field of Information Technology Region: Gujarat/India/Asia University: MPSTME - Shirpur, NMIMS University, Bombay. Blog/Website: / (NOTE: all are under strategic development period). irc: #fedora-campusamb and #fedora-ambassadors and #fedora-art and #fedora-bugzappers (occatinally)and #fedora-docs and #fedora-i18n and #fedora-python and #fedora-selinux and #fedora-science and lastly #fedora-india with username: sagabhi