From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 12:49, 26 August 2010 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Minor wording change. Reorganized action/result about running preupgrade-cli with no options)


This case tests upgrading a Fedora system from the stable release (e.g. Fedora 40) to the branched release (Fedora 41) using PreUpgrade-cli.

How to test

  1. Perform an installation of the stable release (e.g. Fedora 40) with default partitioning (no less than 500MB for /boot).
  2. Install the newest available version of preupgrade and python-urlgrabber
  3. From a command prompt, run preupgrade-cli with no additional command-line options.
  4. From a command prompt, run preupgrade-cli with a valid release name, for example:
    preupgrade-cli "Fedora 14 (Laughlin)"
  5. When the process completes, reboot the system.
  6. The system should perform the upgrade, and reboot into the new system automatically.
  7. Log in to upgraded system, run some system applications.

Expected Results

  1. With no additional command-line options, preupgrade-cli will fail and prompt the user with a list of supported Fedora releases available for upgrade. The list of supported releases must include only newer releases. For example, if running preupgrade-cli on Fedora 13 while Fedora 14 is in development, you should see the following:
    please give a release to try to pre-upgrade to
    valid entries include:
    "Fedora 14 (Laughlin)"
  2. When supplied a valid release name, the preupgrade utility will run to completion, without error.
  3. The upgrade should complete and reboot without user assistance.
  4. The system should be upgraded to new version without error.
  5. The executed applications should display and work correctly.