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Revision as of 05:51, 16 October 2009 by Renich (talk | contribs) (moved User:Renich/Flash 64-bit native HowTo draft to User:Renich/HowTo/Flash64-bitNative: So it's organized under my HowTo section)

Flash 64-bit (native) Installation HowTo

This HowTo covers the Flash 64-bit native plugin installation on Fedora 10.

Be aware that, at the moment of the writing of this HowTo, the Flash 10 plugin is in alpha development state; don't expect it to work perfectly and try to contribute a bit with bug reporting at their bug management site; at: Adobe Bug and Issue Management System

The installation instructions have been interpreted from: Adobe Labs' Linux 64-bit Alpha Release Notes

System Requirements

  • Fedora 10 (others untested)
  • Firefox


Remove all previous Flash installations

[renich@introdesk ~]$ su -c 'yum remove flash-plugin'

Remove nspluginwrapper

Since nspluginwrapper is said to degrade performance (known issues), we must remove it.

[renich@introdesk ~]$ su -c 'yum remove flash-plugin'

Download the plugin

At the time of the writting of this HowTo, you can download the plugin from here. Please visit Adobe Labs for more information.

Extract it

[renich@introdesk Download]$ tar -xzf 

Move it into place

If you want to install it for personal use or you don't have access to root privileges, just copy it into your home directory's .mozilla/plugins directory. Create if if necesary.

[renich@introdesk Download]$ mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins && mv ~/.mozilla/plugins

If you want to enable Flash 10 globaly, you can install it on the /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins directory.

[renich@introdesk Download]$ su -c 'mv /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins'


Open Firefox and go to your favorite Flash-enabled site for a test.


Please, be sure to follow the steps located at: Flash Player's Installation Notes
