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This page is a DRAFT
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PIE (Position Independent Executables) are binaries that are made entirely from position-independent code. This allows for address space layout randomization, increasing security and making some attacks much more difficult.


  • Binaries are more difficult to attack/compromise.


  • You can no longer use prelink on your binaries, resulting in a slower startup time.


All Fedora Packages should use the default Fedora Compilation flags as listed on the page. Overriding these flags for performance optimizations (for instance, -O3 instead of -O2) is generally discouraged (if you can present benchmarks that show a significant speedup for this particular code, this could be revisited on a case-by-case basis). There are certain, security related flags that are commonly allowed. These flags may degrade performance slightly but the increased security can be worthwhile for some programs.

If you package meets the following critera you can enable the PIE compiler flags:

  • Your package is long running. This means it's likely to be started and keep running until the machine is rebooted, not start on demand and quit on idle.
  • Your package has suid binaries, or binaries with capabilities.
  • Your package runs as root.
  • Your package accepts/processes untrusted input.

To add these flags, use something like this:

export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fpie" %configure make CFLAGS=$CFLAGS

FESCo maintains a list of packages that they require to have certain additional compilation flags enabled. See [instead page name here] for which packages require which flags.
