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Revision as of 11:57, 1 April 2011 by Mnowak (talk | contribs)


This test case tests the functionality of the ABRT command line interface.


  1. If you are running through the set of ABRT test cases you probably have a bunch of crash reports in cache. If not, then crash some applications with the command kill -SIGSEGV (pid). Make sure they are not applications containing important data!
  2. Make sure you have abrt-cli installed: su -c 'yum install abrt-cli'

How to test

  1. Run abrt-cli --list to show unreported crashes
  2. Run abrt-cli --list --full to show all crashes
  3. Try crash reporting: run abrt-cli --report CRASH_DIR to report a crash to e.g. Logger
    • Respond Y for Bugzilla reporter, and N to skip reporting using Logger
  4. Run abrt-cli --delete CRASH_DIR to delete the report

Expected Results

  1. Option --list shows all not-yet-reported crashes
  2. Option --list --full shows all crashes
  3. Option --report shows crash report and asks for confirmation before sending it
    • ABRT asks you to choose one of the analyzer 'local GDB debugger' or 'retrace sever' and then analyzes the crash and creates a report. When the report is ready, abrt-cli opens a text editor with the content of the report. You can see what's being reported, and you are able fill in instructions on how to reproduce the crash and other comments.
    • You are asked if you want to execute some reporter plugins or not.
  4. Option --delete deletes crash