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Revision as of 12:10, 27 December 2011 by Remi (talk | contribs)

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PHP 5.4


To provide the latest PHP stack.


  • Email: Fedora AT SPAMFREE FamilleCollet DOT com

Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 17
  • Last updated: 2011-12-27
  • Percentage of completion: 0%

Detailed Description

Fedora provides PHP 5.3.x since version 12. Zts module for apache is provided without any extension/module, this lack make it nearly unusable.

PHP 5.4.0RC4 was published for christmas, see annouce. Finale version should be available before fedora 17.

  • Update to PHP 5.4.0
  • Build ZTS extensions/modules
  • Provide ZTS devel stuff (in php-devel)
  • Update other extensions (mostly pecl) for latest ABI
  • Update PHP Guidelines

Benefit to Fedora

Provides the latest PHP major version.


  • Mass rebuild of all packages which requires php ABI, some will requires update or patch
  • Test of web applications

How To Test

  • test PHP web applications available in the repository
  • test PHP with apache in worker mode (ZTS modules)

User Experience

  • Web developper will get the latest upstream PHP version


From repoquery --whatrequires 'php(zend-abi)'

  • cups-php
  • graphviz-php
  • ice-php
  • php-digidoc
  • php-eaccelerator
  • php-facedetect
  • php-idn
  • php-libpuzzle
  • php-libvirt
  • php-magickwand
  • php-mapi
  • php-pecl-apc
  • php-pecl-gearman
  • php-pecl-geoip
  • php-pecl-gmagick
  • php-pecl-igbinary
  • php-pecl-imagick
  • php-pecl-lzf
  • php-pecl-mailparse
  • php-pecl-memcache
  • php-pecl-memcached
  • php-pecl-mongo
  • php-pecl-ncurses
  • php-pecl-oauth
  • php-pecl-radius
  • php-pecl-rrd
  • php-pecl-selinux
  • php-pecl-solr
  • php-pecl-sphinx
  • php-pecl-ssh2
  • php-pecl-xdebug
  • php-pecl-yaml
  • php-shout
  • rrdtool-php
  • syck-php
  • uuid-php
  • zorba-php

Contingency Plan


Release Notes

Comments and Discussion