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Revision as of 02:30, 11 October 2011 by Lbazan (talk | contribs)

LoKoMurdoK: Luis Bazán


Luis Bazán

I started using Linux in 2003, seeking new horizons in the computer world today work with linux as one has the opportunity to change 100% of your OS and create new projects. I like the security issue, security projects based on forensic and especially the creation of software. I am a systems analyst and network administrator.

Fedora Projects Involved

Fedora Ambassadors Panama

Fedora Campus Ambassadors

Package Mantainers

Fedora Infrastucture

Fedora Localization

Fedora Free Media

Fudcon Panama 2011

FAD2k11 Intensive Intruducción and RPM packaging for Fedora standards