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Revision as of 15:06, 25 April 2012 by Rmarko (talk | contribs)

🔗 Description

  • This test case tests libreport integration with anaconda installer

🔗 How to test

  1. Anaconda package is required. Run following command to install it: su -c 'yum -y install anaconda'
  2. Edit the anaconda file :
    • run su -c 'vim $(which anaconda)'
    • find line which contains # set up the headless case (line 859 in time of writing the testcase)
    • introduce an error - put 0/0, or import error before the line
    • error line should have the same indent as surrounding lines (not to generate syntax error)
  3. Run anaconda as root - su -c 'anaconda'
  4. Unhandled exception should occur
  5. Hit Save button to report the problem
  6. Try to report the problem with Logger reporter

🔗 Expected Results

  1. Report should be generated and saved into the file
  2. The file should contain well formed report of the crash you have caused

If concerned, run su -c 'yum reinstall anaconda' to revert the changes you have made.