From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 00:19, 18 November 2014 by Oddshocks (talk | contribs) (add AMI IDs from my fedorapeople page, and use this as the spot for image IDs from now on)
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This page is intended to become a master list of IDs for Fedora Cloud images that have been uploaded to cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), and are now publically available. This list is of particular to Fedora Cloud developers and testers.


uploaded by oddshocks via Fedimg

F21 beta

Region x86_64 Base x86_64 Atomic
US East (N. Virginia) ami-fa3dbf92 ami-1ecb4576
US West (Oregon) ami-1da3ea2d ami-39763e09
US West (N. California) ami-21465164 ami-b3f3e4f6
EU West (Ireland) ami-66c76c11 ami-e66dc791
EU Central (Frankfurt) ami-e0c7f1fd ami-4ccef851
Asia Pacific SE (Singapore) ami-2ecfef7c ami-f64764a4
Asia Pacific NE (Tokyo) ami-8d93ae8c ami-81dbe480
Asia Pacific SE (Sydney) ami-aff99595 ami-6516795f
South America East (Sāo Paulo) ami-5f6fd842 ami-e118affc

F21 RC1

Warning: These images are not patched for the recent bash vulnerability. Use at your own risk. Newer images are available.

Region x86_64 base
US East (N. Virginia) ami-20268848
US West (Oregon) ami-af57179f
US West (N. California) ami-b58b82f0
EU (Ireland) ami-bac760cd
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ami-820f2bd0
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ami-cf644bce
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ami-7b6c0f41
South America (Sāo Paulo) ami-ab9f35b6