From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 18:08, 26 December 2014 by Laxathom (talk | contribs) (Add features list)

This is a draft
This is a draft of potential features for FAS v3.0. It is meant to spawn discussion and will most likely evolve in the future.




  • Move web framwork from TurboGears 1 to Pyramid
  • A real endpoint API
  • Better membership workflows
  • Improved database model
  • Make it more Fedora agnostic
  • Bring new features


Groups and people visibility

No need to log in to see groups and people's list and profile.

RESTful API access

This will requires a generated token that people can get from their profle's page.

Profile avatar

People will be able to add an avatar to their profile This avatar will be available to 3rd-party which can use it in their views

Profile Bio

People will could write a bio and will be view-able from their profile's page.

Group binding

  • GitHub organization

Admin or group's admin could bind a group to a github organization's team.

Group ownership

Settings panel

Account's admin will have a dashboard where they could manage account related elements

  • people management
  • groups management
  • groups' types management
  • license agreement management
  • private API access management

Account activities

A new page where people can review their account's activities with datetime, events and locations.

Connected applications

  • Github

Allow people to connect their github account and share it to other infra services

  • twitter

Allow people to connect their twitter account and share it to other infra services

2 factors authentication

  • Gauth token

Optional 2nd auth wihch once activated, will ask people after entered a valid login+password their Gauth token to let them in.

  • Yubikey

This one will not be added as a 2nd auth but as a combo with the login and password (i.e login+password+otp) (as discussed last flock).

LDAP backend

Change SQL backend to LDAP's for groups and people infos.
