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Revision as of 15:23, 21 April 2015 by Pingou (talk | contribs) (→‎PackageDB: There is no longer any need to do anything on pkgdb)


Each new release we create a build target for the next release. This SOP will describe the steps necessary to prepare the new build target.


Adding a build target is a complicated task. It involves updating koji, git, fedora-release package, and a few wiki pages.


In koji a couple collection tags need to be made, and a target created to tie them together. We create a base collection tag named after the release, and a build tag to hold a few things we use in the buildroots that are not part of the distribution (glibc32/glibc64). Inheritance to the previous release is used for ownership and package data, as well as buildroot content data.

The add-tag, add-tag-inheritance, edit-tag, and add-target commands are used.

$ koji add-tag --help
Usage: koji add-tag [options]  name
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

-h, --help       show this help message and exit
--parent=PARENT  Specify parent
--arches=ARCHES  Specify arches

$ koji add-tag-inheritance --help
Usage: koji add-tag-inheritance [options]  tag parent-tag
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--priority=PRIORITY   Specify priority
--maxdepth=MAXDEPTH   Specify max depth
--intransitive        Set intransitive
--noconfig            Set to packages only
Specify the package filter
--force=FORCE         Force adding a parent to a tag that already has that
parent tag

$ koji edit-tag --help
Usage: koji edit-tag [options] name
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --arches=ARCHES  Specify arches
  --perm=PERM      Specify permission requirement
  --no-perm        Remove permission requirement
  --lock           Lock the tag
  --unlock         Unlock the tag
  --rename=RENAME  Rename the tag

$ koji add-target --help
Usage: koji add-target name build-tag <dest-tag>
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

-h, --help  show this help message and exit

For example if we wanted to create the Fedora 17 tags, we would do the following:

koji add-tag --parent f16-updates f17
koji add-tag --parent f17 f17-updates
koji add-tag --parent f17-updates f17-candidate
koji add-tag --parent f17-updates f17-updates-testing
koji add-tag --parent f17-updates-testing f17-updates-testing-pending
koji add-tag --parent f17-updates f17-updates-pending
koji add-tag --parent f17-updates f17-override
koji add-tag --parent f17-override --arches=i686,x86_64 f17-build
koji add-tag-inheritance --priority 1 f17-build f16-build
koji edit-tag --perm=fedora-override f17-override
koji edit-tag --lock f17-updates
koji add-target f17 f17-build
The -pending tags are used by Bodhi and AutoQA to track and test proposed updates. These tags are not build targets and they don't get made into repos, so proper inheritance isn't vital.


The file which is hosted in puppet (modules/gitolite/files/distgit/ needs to be updated for the new target for making branches.

Update BRANCHES with the new branch information. The branch name maps to the branch that is its parent.

BRANCHES = {'el4': 'master', 'el5': 'master', 'el6': 'f12',
        'OLPC-2': 'f7',
        'master': None,
        'fc6': 'master',
        'f7': 'master',
        'f8': 'master',
        'f9': 'master',
        'f10': 'master',
        'f11': 'master',
        'f12': 'master',
        'f13': 'master', 'f14': 'master'}

and update GITBRANCHES with the translation from pkgdb branch string to git branch string:

GITBRANCHES = {'EL-4': 'el4', 'EL-5': 'el5', 'EL-6': 'el6', 'OLPC-2': 'olpc2',
               'FC-6': 'fc6', 'F-7': 'f7', 'F-8': 'f8', 'F-9': 'f9', 'F-10': 'f10',
               'F-11': 'f11', 'F-12': 'f12', 'F-13': 'f13', 'F-14': 'f14', 'devel': 'master'}

The genacls.pkgdb file also needs to be updated for active branches to generate ACLs for. Update the ACTIVE variable. genacls.pkgdb lives in puppet (modules/gitolite/files/distgit/genacls.pkgdb). The format is pkgdb branch string to git branch string (until pkgdb uses git branch strings):

    ACTIVE = {'OLPC-2': 'olpc2/', 'EL-4': 'el4/', 'EL-5': 'el5/',
              'EL-6': 'el6/', 'F-11': 'f11/', 'F-12': 'f12/', 'F-13': 'f13/',
              'F-14': 'f14/', 'devel': 'master'}


Currently the fedora-release package provides the %{?dist} definitions used during building of packages. When a new target is created, fedora-release must be built for the collection with new dist definitions.


Various wiki pages need to be updated with the new target information. Below you'll find a (hopefully current) list of pages to change:


  • In the comps module in Fedora Hosted git (ssh://, create and add a new comps file based on the previous release. (Just copying it should be fine.) Add the new file to po/
  • When rawhide is retargeted in koji to point to the new release, update the Makefile to target comps-rawhide.xml at the new version
  • Don't forget to git push your changes after committing.


Given the complexity of all the changes necessary to create a new build target, the best way to verify is to attempt a build. Given that fedora-release has to be built before anything else so that dist tags translate correctly it is a good test case. For example, this was used to test the new Fedora 15 target:

  • Use pkgdb to request an F-15 branch of fedora-release
  • Use to actually make the branch
  • Update fedora-release clone
  • Adjust .spec file in master for new dist defines
  • commit/build
  • Track build in koji to ensure proper tagging is used

What this won't test is translations of dist at tag time given that fedora-release doesn't use dist in it's Release. Verifying with a second package that uses dist is a good idea.

Consider Before Running

  • Too many to list right now.