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Revision as of 16:59, 24 March 2016 by Wi1d5ky (talk | contribs)

Contact Information

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

I started my Linux journey with fedora 20. Fedora has been my best friend for 2 years. I find it a really marvelous OS, so I cannot go back to Windows OS. Now I finish my slides, edit images, chat with friends, surf the net, and do all of my daily chores on fedora, I cannot leave it! I have gotten a lot from fedora, so now I want to give back. I have participated in some other open source communities, and now I want to sharpen my skill and try to help fedora community!

I think people in fedora community are all visionary and like to be the early adopters. If I learn here, I think I will earn a lot of experience, and face the future better!

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora Project or another open-source project as a contributor?

Yes, I usually contribute to Fedora Taiwan Community, Vim Taiwan Community, Mozilla Taiwan Community, Lolypop Community, or some other open source community in Taiwan. What I contribute to are all about front-end (Not only websites but also web apps).

Have you participated in GSoC in the past? If so, what year(s) and which organization(s)?

No, this is my first time to participate GSoC. I have read a lot of articles in the internet, and feel that GSoC is a great activities, which let me get involved into fedora community more easily.

Do you plan to continue contributing to the Fedora Project after GSoC? If yes, what sub-project(s) are you interested with?

Of course, I would like to continue contributing after GSoC. GSoC is my first step to contribute to the Fedora Project. I think fedora is really a great os, and I want it better. What I can do is about HTML, CSS, JavaScript. So I'm interested in Cockpit Project.(Which might need me for front-end.)

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

Here are some reasons:

  • I use fedora on daily basis and wouldn't change, so what I do in GSoC will be the dog food I will eat. haha
  • I also suggest my friends (and teachers ;P) to install fedora for daily life because I find it easy to use, not only for submitting reports(thanks to LibreOffice) but also developing softwares (thanks to MS Windows, LoL)
  • I have contributed to many websites for open source communities, so I think I have the ability to help fedora community in front-end.
  • I am interested in lots of things, which make me learn new things willingly and quickly.
  • I have a strong sense of responsibility over others. No matter how hard the mission is, I'll never give it up as long as I promised it.

Therefore I think I am one of the best candidates.

Have you contributed to any other open source organizations or projects? If so, do you have artifacts you can show so we can see your skill set(s)?

Yes, as I said, I usually contribute to Fedora Taiwan Community, Vim Taiwan Community, Mozilla Taiwan Community. Here are some of the repos:

Do you have any other open source experience (even if not coding-related)?

  • I'm a member of MDN (Mozilla Developer Network), I used to translate articles from en_US to zh_TW for front-end developers.
  • I'm a member of SUMO (Mozilla Support), I used to provide solutions to some general problems regarding firefox.

Proposal Description


Fedora Hubs is a modern, web-based platform to provide a communication and collaboration center for Fedora contributors of all types.

What I can do for Fedora Hubs Project

  • Solve issues in fedora-hubs repo, include but not limit:
    • to finish unassigned widget
    • to finish start page "wizard"
    • to finish some charts with D3.js (or some other frameworks)
    • to improve responsive of Hubs
  • If needed, I could use react.js to write this platform ;P

Any relevant experience you have

I have contributed to many open source communities on GitHub. Most of them are all about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, RWD ..., so I am familiar with git, and the languages & techniques I just mentioned. Besides, I used D3.js before, so I could help Hubs to build some graphs, charts, ...etc with D3.js.

How do you intend to implement your proposal

I am going to learn how to use flask after finishing my proposal. ;P And start to get involved in the project, included discussing issues, communiting with other developers in IRC, trying to pull requests...etc.

  • Step 1: Build a breakable toys using flask.
  • Step 2: Carve static pages according to mockups
  • Step 3: Do something I can do, such as improve stylesheet(use scss or other tools), or something not so hardcore :P
  • Step 4: In this step, I think I will be familiar with the archtecture, so I might do more than I could imagine!
  • Step 5: Invite and help my friends who are interested in open source and/or fedora but don't know how to start

A rough timeline for your progress

Final deliverable