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Composing Modules with Pungi

After you have downloaded Pungi (Modularity style) and the necessary Fedora packages/repositories, you can compose a module. Unlike with the versions of pungi currently used for composing Fedora, this process is split into separate steps with our prototype, using several distinct scripts.

We'll assume that the checked out repositories are located in $WORKSPACE, the local package repositories are in $REPOS and the compose and intermediate data will be output into $COMPOSES. You need to activate the environment for running the pungi prototype, as the case may be by either sourcing $HOME/ or, if you set up a Python virtualenv, by running workon modularity.

Gathering the component packages

The pungi-gather-prototype script produces a manifest of the desired packages and their dependencies, in our example for a core and shells. For productive use, these packages would come e.g. from a specific koji tag. You may want to add the local repository with the minimized packages, but then you have to ensure that they are preferred over the normal Fedora packages (see Modularity/Development/Getting_Fedora_Packages_for_Testing for details).

"$WORKSPACE"/pungi/bin/pungi-gather-prototype --arch x86_64 --config "$WORKSPACE"/pungi-modularity/pungi-inputs/core.yaml --target-dir "$COMPOSES" --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-src
"$WORKSPACE"/pungi/bin/pungi-gather-prototype --arch x86_64 --config "$WORKSPACE"/pungi-modularity/pungi-inputs/shells.yaml --target-dir "$COMPOSES" --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-shells-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-shells-src --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-src

The script will output the location where it wrote the manifest after it is run. At this point the manifests should be in $COMPOSES/manifest-{core,shells}-$date-$hash.$serial where $date is the current date, $hash a hash of the configuration input file and $serial a serial number which will be incremented if you run the same invocation several times.

Creating repositories from the manifests

The pungi-createrepo-prototype script creates an installable repository from the previously gathered manifests. You need to supply the manifest directory locations from the previous step.

"$WORKSPACE"/pungi/bin/pungi-createrepo-prototype --arch x86_64 --target-dir "$COMPOSES" --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-src --static-content-manifest "$COMPOSES/manifest_core-x86_64-$date-$hash.$serial/" --extra-file "$COMPOSES/manifest_core-x86_64-$date-$hash.$serial/fm-metadata.yaml"
"$WORKSPACE"/pungi/bin/pungi-createrepo-prototype --arch x86_64 --target-dir "$COMPOSES" --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-shells-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-shells-src --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-x86_64 --source-repo-from-path "$REPOS"/fedora-24-beta-src --static-content-manifest "$COMPOSES/manifest_shells-x86_64-$date-$hash.$serial/" --extra-file "$COMPOSES/manifest_shells-x86_64-$date-$hash.$serial/fm-metadata.yaml"

This may seem a bit roundabout since we started out with repositories, but it will collect only the packages defined in the core.yaml and shells.yaml configuration files and their dependencies.

At this point, the repositories should be at $COMPOSES/repo_{core,shells}-x86_64-$date-$hash.$serial

Composing the module

The pungi-compose-prototype script composes the module metadata from the variants file "$WORKSPACE"/pungi-modularity/pungi-inputs/variants-fm.xml and the previously created repositories.

"$WORKSPACE"/pungi/bin/pungi-compose-prototype --release fedora-24 --variants-file "$WORKSPACE"/pungi-modularity/pungi-inputs/variants-fm.xml  --target-dir "$COMPOSES" --arch x86_64

At this point the compose metadata directory should be at $COMPOSES/compose_fedora-24-$date.$serial.