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Revision as of 20:06, 14 August 2008 by Marinaz (talk | contribs)

Feature Name

Online Accounts Service


Provides applications with credentials for user's online accounts listed on or stored in GConf.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 10
  • Last updated: 08/14/08
  • Percentage of completion: 60%

Detailed Description

Online Accounts is a new DBus service available at org.gnome.OnlineAccounts that desktop applications can use to create and retrieve user's online accounts (such as Google, Twitter, etc.).

Online Accounts service

  • stores online account information in GConf and passwords in GNOME Keyring
  • gets the account information from server if it is available, otherwise relies on GConf
  • provides a dialog for adding and removing online accounts, as well as supplying passwords for existing accounts
  • is currently used by Online Desktop's sidebar to get user's Google and Twitter accounts, but patches for other applications will be coming soon

The list of supported account types is stored on server and is easy to expand.

Benefit to Fedora

  • user only has to enter or update information for a particular account type once
  • desktop applications do not need to do own GConf and GNOME Keyring manipulations
  • desktop applications do not need to build a custom dialog
  • new applications can be recommended based on online accounts added by the user


Will need to include the online-desktop package by default, and make sure that desktop-data-engine and web-login-driver are started when appropriate in the regular GNOME session.

Will need to figure out when the user is asked to sign in to in the regular GNOME session. At the very least, we can have a link to sign in when the dialog for entering online accounts is opened up by an application.

Will need to create patches for some applications (such as Empathy, F-Spot or Twitux) to use the Online Accounts DBus service.

Test Plan

Accounts entered by the user on should be available to the desktop applications that request those accounts when the user signs in to

The user should still be able to add, remove, and supply credentials for online accounts when they are not signed in to

User Experience

The users will only notice the change if an application they use switches to using the Online Accounts DBus service. In which case, the dialog that will be used for getting the online account credentials can be different and they will be offered to log in to and add their account information there.



Contingency Plan

Online Accounts service not used by any of the applications in the regular GNOME session.


Release Notes

New feature, no upgrades necessary.

Comments and Discussion