From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 05:34, 27 May 2008 by Ryanlerch (talk | contribs) (added websites banner template)

Fedora Websites Meetings: Wednesday 2008-04-30

Roll Call

JonathanRoberts, RickyZhou, MaxSpevack, CraigThomas, JuanCamilloPrada, IgnacioVazquezAbrams, DimitrisGlezos, MikeMcGrath, IanWeller

Discussion Summary

Fedora 9 Release

  • List of linked pages needed for press releases etc requested
  • Will be cached in memory to allow access under heavy loads
  • mmcgrath is on top of this
  • Translations of content estimated to need 4-5 days, but no official string freeze set
  • Decided the most important thing was to have accurate content for the time being
  • Content is mostly in good shape, current version is viewable at:
  • Need to add jigdo links to get-fedora
  • Need to update screenshots
  • ricky and tw2113 are on top of this

Future of Fedora Websites

  • Generally agreed vision that Websites need to:

1. Have new content around releases 1. Work with Art and Infrastructure to provide services to other sub-projects 1. Take ownership of look and feel of all * sites

  • Lots of changes with respect to these are suggested/requested, but many don't happen because of lack of process in deciding what to accept
  • Team is going to refine the process of accepting and implementing changes
  • ricky is on top of this, and is going to be Infrastructure link
  • Need to unify look and feel of all * sites
  • juank_prada is going to come up with vision for fp.o, will review and work towards implementing in next weeks meeting
  • Requires input from Marketing, Docs and Art Re: content and style
  • juank_prada has Marketing, ianweller Art and couf Docs

Next Meeting

  • Need to find time and date for regular meeting
  • Please fill out your available times on the matrix
  • All items need reviewing
  • Agenda is here