From Fedora Project Wiki

Name: Edson Araújo

Age: 24

City: Belém/Castanhal

Country: Brazil


Hello! I'm Edson and my nickname is Nightcrawler (X-men). In 2010, I met the GNU/Linux. That's when I started to have an interest in studying and collaborating. I started my collaboration in 2012 after meeting some organizers of the LibreOffice community in the city of Belém. I always ran away from RPM, I do not know why. But when I decided to learn it I chose the fedora and simply loved it. I know I can collaborate with the project in my region and hopefully one day with the coding. Ah, I have some skill with website development and design. I am currently a master's student and I really want to work with and for FLOSS.

Organized events

BelemCode: 2015 or 2015

Software Freedom Day: 2015, 2014, 2013

Document Freedom Day: 2014

EnSol 2013: Bragança, Castanhal



IRC: edsonlead or noturno


Telegram: +55 91 9 93503866