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Planet Fedora

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack


John Poelstra wrote[0] about the revised Fedora 10 schedule, which as been moved to account for the infrastructure problems that we faced a few weeks ago. "Last week the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) ratified the updated schedule proposed by the Release Engineering team. This resulted in feature freeze for Fedora moving to 2008-09-09 and GA to 2008-11-18. This three week change to the schedule was to accommodate the recent infrastructure outages."


Another Fedora Test Day is in the books, and James Laska wrote[1] about it on his blog. "There was a really strong developer turn out for this Test Day. In addition to David Huff, the appliance-tools developer, some of the oVirt team showed up to help walk through oVirt's use of appliance-tools. This was tremendously helpful to see how appliance-tools can be used by other projects. Thanks to Alan Pevec, Bryan Kearney and Darryl Pierce from the oVirt team for joining the event. Having such a tight feedback loop with the developers during Test Days has been very helpful, I hope we can continue with that format."



Nicu Buculei posted[2] the latest iterations of some of the potential Fedora 10 artwork themes. "The second round in the process of creating a visual theme for Fedora 10 ended yesterday, those are the proposals meeting the requirement and which will pass into the third (last) round (listed in chronological order)."

Your beat writer is particularly fond of the Gears/Steampunk theme as well as the Solar theme, but thinks that all four are fantastic pieces of art, and should be carried over into Fedora 11's proposals.


Tech Tidbits

Yaakov Nemoy reported[3] on the state of Haskell in Fedora. "After nearly 9 months, I am finally at the point I wanted to be regarding Haskell. Last January i wanted to submit packages for my favourite window manager to Fedora. I got blocked because of a lack of packaging guidelines and familiarity with Haskell or the Glasgow Haskell Compiler."


Continuing his habit of posting yum-related tutorials, James Antill posted[4] a quick explanation of packages sizes in yum and rpm.

"It's pretty common to think that a specific thing always has a specific size, and people tend to think of an "rpm package" as a single object thus. the it's common to ask what is "the size of an rpm". However if you have a 1MB text file, and gzip compresses it to 50KB which you then upload to a HTTP server you now have at least 3 different sizes: text size; compressed size and upload size (includes HTTP headers etc.) and asking for the size. So it is with rpm packages, and their many sizes."


FUDCon Brno

FUDCon Brno is happening as Fedora Weekly News freezes, but there are a bunch of photos online[5] and Max Spevack has been providing frequent updates[6] about the event on his blog.

