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Getting Fedora Packages for Testing

In order to build modules, you need component packages from which to build them, and it's better to have them locally available. This page describes where to download a set of packages which we use to build modules in tests.

Fedora 24 Beta

As a base set of packages, we use the Beta of Fedora 24 at the moment. Previously, we used the Alpha, but it shouldn't make much of a difference unless you want to use the minimized packages below, then you need to use the Alpha instead of the Beta, otherwise the non-minimized packages may be preferred over the minimized ones because of their newer NEVRA.

You can download whole trees recursively from:

Using wget, this would download them to the current directory in appropriate subdirectories:

wget -r --no-parent -P fedora-24-beta-x86_64 --no-host-directories \
    --cut-dirs 9
wget -r --no-parent -P fedora-24-beta-src --no-host-directories \
    --cut-dirs 9

"Esoteric" Shells

As an additional set of packages, we use a couple of shells. They aren't grouped together like that ordinarily, so we download the packages directly from koji:

for arch in x86_64 src; do
    (mkdir -p "$d" && cd "$d" &&
      for shell in aesh bash dash fish ksh mksh mosh tcsh yash zsh; do
          _archspec="--arch $arch"
          if [ "$arch" != "src" ]; then
              _archspec="$_archspec --arch noarch"
          koji download-build --latestfrom=f24 $_archspec "$shell"

Afterwards, we need create the repository metadata:

for d in fedora-24-shells-*; do
    createrepo "$d"

Minimized packages repositories

Yaakov Selkowitz hosts repositories with minimized versions of some base packages on space:

You can mirror them locally, e.g. using either or both of these commands:

wget -r --no-parent -P fedora-24-minimization --no-host-directories \
    --cut-dirs 1
wget -r --no-parent -P rawhide-minimization --no-host-directories \
    --cut-dirs 1