From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 15:19, 3 April 2017 by Nicanz (talk | contribs)

Contact Information

What are you studying? Why?

  • I’m studying Information Technology because programming and solving problems are the only things that keep my mind busy and focused.

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

  • A lot of companies use to talk about their good intentions “to make the world a better place”. I think the only company that has the right to say that is an open source company. And what better than the most important one? I’ve been in touch with the community in Brno (CZ) and I’ve been fascinated since then. I’m a Linux fanatic, I always do proselytism and what’s better than work with what you love?

Which specific project interests you?

  • 389 Directory Server

Have you contacted the mentor(s) listed for the project?

  • Yes, I contacted him on IRC chat. Kind and helpful.

What relevant experience do you have for this project?

  • 9 months work experience with python (mostly) and shell script(a bit less).
  • 8 years of power user experience with GNU/Linux distros. Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu.

What do you want to gain from this project?

  • A detailed knowledge of a powerful directory service system and its security features.
  • Python coding skills.
  • A better understanding of how open source teams work in practice.

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora project or with any other open source project as a contributor?

  • Unfortunately no. Only some unofficial and occasional collaboration with the Palermo community of Linux enthusiast to promote Linux day in our city. I also tried to submit for an internship in Red Hat CZ but I couldn’t because they do not accept foreign students.

Did you participate with the past GSoC programs?

  • No because I realize that before my erasmus and internship I didn’t have the right technical skills and english knowledge.

Did you apply for other projects in this GSoC?

  • No.

Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC program, if yes, which team(s)/area(s), you are interested with?

  • Yes, I definitely would like to work in Fedora after this GSoC in some security area.

Why should we choose you over the other applicants?

  • I’m not saying I’m the best coder ever, but It’ll be my priority and I’m willing to contribute as best as I can in a 40h/week, and even more, basis.

What do you expect from this project/mentor?

  • In projects mostly aimed at companies is quite difficult to start if you are not part of a company that use it. For me it will mean to have a first stable starting point for a future career in Fedora/Red Hat. When I was in ERASMUS in Brno (CZ) my dormitory was really close to both Red Hat offices, and the closer pub always full of Red Hat employees. Nice people not only with a job but really happy and enthusiast to contribute in something important that is more than a simple company. I have faith in the mentor of this project. Of course he will do his best for this project and I will be glad if I’ll be selected.

What are your communication schedule/methods?

  • I’m used to have daily (or every 2 days) technical meeting with my small team (of the specific feature) and the chief engineer. A weekly meeting with the whole team and our manager to report the status and to plan future work.
  • Face to face, video call with desktop sharing, email, IRC the main communication methods.

What are your specific plans from May to September?

  • I will need only few day off in June for exams.