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Revision as of 10:50, 29 July 2013 by Shaiton (talk | contribs) (→‎Share your loss: added Roberto Dohnert from websites mailing list request)

Seth Vidal

We mourn the loss of Seth Vidal

Seth was a lead developer of yum and the update repository system, and a contributor to the CentOS project as well as the original Fedora Extras system. He worked tirelessly on the infrastructure for the Fedora Project to make all systems work well and consistently for our contributors around the world. He was a gifted speaker, a brilliant thinker, a clever wit, a humble and genuinely funny person, and a good friend.

Read the full message

Seth was a charitable soul, in words and in deeds. His family has requested that any donations in his memory be made to one of the following worthy charities:

Share your loss

Please link here your blog post or write down your mind.

Note: You can edit this page by logging in with your Fedora Account System login.

You may also just email your story or link to and ask for it to be added.

  • The French community
  • The Italian community
  • User:Kevin - An Incomplete rememberance of a friend
  • Seth Vidal in Memoriam
  • Stunned
  • Goodbye to a Great Friend
  • A humble farewell to Seth Vidal
  • Michael's post to project mailing list
  • Funeral memorial site
  • LWN article with several remembrances from friends in the comments
  • A sad day — Brian Hanson
  • In memoriam − Konstantin Ryabitsev
  • Our friend Seth − Greg DeKoenigsberg
  • Romanian community
  • The Indonesian Community
  • Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices? - Paul Frields
  • In Memory of Seth Vidal - Tom 'spot' Callaway
  • Seth. - Robyn Bergeron
  • "Seth was a long-time customer of our bookshop. Every time he walked in our door, his seemingly ever-present smile got us smiling too. It felt good just to be around him. I certainly didn't know him well, but I know that the world is a better place because Seth was in it." - Tom Campbell, co-owner THE REGULATOR BOOKSHOP
  • "Keep Seth's legacy alive... I am a new member of the Linux community. My favourite OS is Fedora, and hope becoming a Sys Admin. of RHEL down the career path after my graduation. Thank You Seth Vidal for all your contributions to the Linux community and Fedora/RHEL. You are passing on a great Open Source legacy to the future generation of the world like myself. Whom, indeed will pass it on to the next generation...just like you...keeping Open Source rock solid with names written in stone such as 'Seth Vidal' May the Triple Gem Bless your soul..." - Lucksh Y
  • "Thanks for all you did Seth! I use YUM quite often and appreciate all your hard work - you made the world a better place by your work with opensource!" - Scott Wade
  • "While not a member of the Fedora Project or community. I work on the OS/4 OpenLinux project. I knew Seth Vidal very well. He was a funny guy and a great resource of knowledge. We would talk often. We would often talk Fedora, we would talk about OS/4 OpenLinux. Seth was a guy who believed in Linux. He was a man of ideals and ideas. It didnt matter what distribution you ran. I will miss Seth very much. I will miss all the talks I had with Seth not just about technology, but about everything. He had a very special insight and I hope all of you understand. It wasnt just the Fedora community who lost somebody special, it was the entire Linux community who lost him. We all share in the loss. I had tried for a few weeks to write about Seth. This was the first time I was able to do it. In closing, thank you Seth. Thank you for your friendship and thank you for everything." - Roberto J Dohnert

