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Revision as of 09:51, 27 April 2020 by Cprada87 (talk | contribs)

Christian Prada Osuna
Christian Prada Osuna
Personal Information
Birthday: 11st October
Home: Granada
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: cprada87
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail: contacto <at> cprada87 <dot> es
GPG-Key: [1]
IRC: morphheus on Freenode in
#fedora #fedora-ambassadors #linux
Badges (13)
Paranoid Panda Involvement Embryo Tadpole Egg Let Me Introduce Myself Ambassador Froglet Junior Editor Associate Editor Junior Badger (Badger I) Tadpole with Legs Mugshot

About me

I’m Christian Prada, born in Ponferrada, Castilla y León (Spain), I currently reside in Granada.

For 15 years, I have known and use Linux, from the benefits to the problems of its daily use, playing, and learning about the kernel.

At first, I used Ubuntu, after a few years I switched to Linux Mint, at this time Fedora was not stable to use it on my laptop (Asus F3M, I had a lot of trouble installing it), after switching to Debian and know about the stability of it, I switched to deep Archlinux.

Now I have Arch and Fedora installed on my laptops.

Throughout this trip, I fell in love with a philosophy of Linux and, finally, Fedora has contributed the most to me, so I want to present Fedora in Granada and Málaga, cities with a very strong technological engine, and with the time I will like to expand the scope of Fedora in Spain.

From creating workshops to install and use Fedora, explain how to create development environments in languages such as Python, Java, or C#, to talking about what's new in Fedora, the most widely used DevOps technologies, in short, creating a community of I+D for open source with the goodness of Fedora.

Where/when to catch me

On Telegram: @morphheus On email: cprada87 AT On IRC: morphheus

My preferent time: 08:00 AM - 18:00 PM (SPAIN GMT)

Work experience

I work as a low-level developer and web developer in a solar plant monitoring company. I use technologies like:

  • Shell Bash
  • C/C++ & C#
  • Java
  • Swift
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • HTML, ..., etc

I have created an Implementation of the industrial communication protocol for electronic measuring devices developed in Python and C/C++.

I also like PHP programmer supporting web apps projects, and other languages like the old Java JEE.

Currently, I generate APIs in Flask / Django with python or other languages and try to learn the most about data science

Interested in

I am also interested in Fedora OS, CoreOS, Openshift, micro-services, and the latest technologies.


Not jet.


Not jet.

Other info

Github: Gitlab: