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Revision as of 18:14, 6 December 2020 by Astepano (talk | contribs) (Auto updated.)

== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==

Page was updated on: 2020-12-06 18:14:12.272534 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24.0 hours since 2020-12-06 18:13:01 UTC.

PASSED INFRA Failure TEST Failure Skipped CI Build Running

Project name Branch Koji build Pull Request
annobin eln 56904142 -
annobin master 56899845 -
annobin eln 56898180 -
annobin master 56897997 -
aom f33 56859973 -
aom eln 56859773 -
aom master 56859106 -
asciidoc master - PR-5
bionetgen master 56911448 -
ccdciel f33 56830957 -
ccdciel f32 56831000 -
coolreader master 56908633 -
coolreader f33 56858009 -
coolreader master 56856773 -
cppcheck eln 56860226 -
cppcheck master 56858834 -
Cython master - PR-25
dleyna-core f33 56842744 -
dleyna-renderer master 56913425 -
epel-release epel8 56860936 -
flat-remix-theme f33 56847298 -
fondo master 56875865 -
gcc master 56836638 -
gdcm f33 56864542 -
gdcm master 56864514 -
gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix f33 56847893 -
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-ocagent f33 56802048 -
golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk master 56886188 -
golang-github-prometheus f33 56865708 -
golang-github-prometheus master 56864241 -
growlight f33 56483866 -
hunspell-kn f33 56809557 -
jq eln 56861201 -
jq master 56860685 -
kcbench master 56889665 -
kde-partitionmanager master 56906007 -
kea master 56852088 -
kpmcore master 56905467 -
libtool eln 56904141 -
libtool master 56900558 -
libvirt f33 56850462 -
mopidy-mpd f33 56830023 -
mopidy-mpd f32 56830526 -
neard f33 56829215 -
nest f33 56861186 -
nest f32 56861203 -
nest master 56861158 -
netbox master 56904128 -
NetworkManager eln 56912067 -
NetworkManager master 56910023 -
nicotine+ f33 56839185 -
nicotine+ f32 56839193 -
nnn f33 56834543 -
nnn f32 56835022 -
nnn epel7 56836214 -
nnn epel8 56835339 -
nodejs master - PR-9
nwchem f33 56285541 -
ogre f33 56804524 -
opencv master 56867421 -
openshadinglanguage f33 56825848 -
openshadinglanguage f32 56825851 -
partio f33 56812163 -
partio f32 56812198 -
perl-HTTP-Soup master 56900498 -
perl-Mojolicious master 56899662 -
poezio f33 56835075 -
psblas3 master 56896917 -
psblas3 master 56854739 -
pybind11 eln 56900524 -
pybind11 master 56899889 -
python-aniso8601 master 56895232 -
python-celery master 56897199 -
python-colorlog master 56910523 -
python-diskcache master 56910080 -
python-django epel8 - PR-17
python-django-prometheus master 56909342 -
python-drf-yasg master 56910127 -
python-graphql-server f33 56828180 -
python-graphviz f33 56836952 -
python-graphviz f32 56837307 -
python-holidays master 56910066 -
python-markdown master - PR-6
python-numpoly f33 56857390 -
python-numpoly f32 56857417 -
python-numpoly master 56857359 -
python-pyside2 f33 56843943 -
python-slixmpp f33 56834358 -
python-trimesh master 56859387 -
qca master 56912251 -
qemu f33 56850486 -
qutebrowser master - PR-10
R-conflicted master 56892021 -
R-here master 56894288 -
R-ps master 56889879 -
rclone master 56869358 -
Rex master 56893511 -
rust-git-delta master - PR-1
rust-git-delta master - PR-1
rust-rav1e master 56879530 -
s3cmd f33 56830126 -
shaderc f33 56838092 -
sigul f33 56859783 -
sigul master 56859313 -
sip5 master 56906887 -
sip5 f33 56811126 -
snownews master 56862367 -
snownews master 56861763 -
squeezelite f33 56846168 -
squeezelite f32 56846158 -
strawberry f33 56841285 -
strawberry f32 56842572 -
svt-av1 f33 56855887 -
svt-av1 f32 56856260 -
svt-av1 epel8 56856757 -
svt-av1 master 56855328 -
utox f33 56861770 -
utox f32 56864403 -
utox master 56860225 -
variety f33 56846737 -
variety f32 56846767 -
veusz master 56905334 -
vpnc-script master 56856539 -
wdune f33 56848489 -
wesnoth master 56910005 -
youtube-dl f33 56867874 -
youtube-dl master 56867553 -