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Revision as of 14:13, 22 March 2009 by Mspevack (talk | contribs)


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

Fedora 11

Jesse Keating[1] announced[2] that the Beta of Fedora 11 will slip one week, due to some issues with both PPC and anaconda. The new Beta release date is March 31.

FUDCon Berlin 2009

Max Spevack[3] reminded[4] the community about FUDCon Berlin 2009[5], including registration[6], lodging[7], and speaking[8] opportunities.

Upcoming Events

March 23-29: LUGM OpenWeek [1] in Manipal, India.

March 25: Document Freedom Day in Kolkata, India.

March 25: Document Freedom Day in Opera, Italy.

March 26: Infotech Niagara Beta Awards[2] in Buffalo, New York, USA.

March 26: Ithaca College EdTech Day[3] in Ithaca, New York, USA.

March 27-29: PyCon[4] in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

March 31-April 2: Linux Solutions[5] in Paris, France.

April 1-2: OpenExpo[6] in Bern, Switzerland.