🔗 Data in LDAP
🔗 Escrow packet storage
Stored in ipaUniqueID=..., cn=volume_keys, dc=...
. The following information is stored per each packet:
Attribute | Meaning and use | Comment |
Packet ID | ipaUniqueID used in the DN |
dm-crypt volumes do not carry any identifier for distinguishing even between two volumes on a host |
Escrow packet | A blob containing the encrypted "secret" | Size probably 1000–1500 bytes |
Host reference | Host this packet applies to | |
"Secret" type | Purpose of the packet: data encryption key / passphrase / other | |
Volume identification | Multi-valued: properties of the volume that can be used to identify the correct packet | |
Packet filing time | Time when this packet was sent to the server | Provided by the directory server automatically in creationTimestamp
Obsoletion time | If this packet stores an obsolete secret, time when the server was notified about it | Used for automatic deletion of old secrets |
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeEscrowPacket' DESC 'An encrypted packet containing a secret used for encrypting the volume' SYNTAX # Binary SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeHost' DESC 'Link to the host that contains this volume' SUP memberHost SYNTAX # DN X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeKeySecretType' DESC 'Type of the secret defined in this packet' SYNTAX # DirectoryString SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
Defined values: "data encryption key
" and "passphrase
", more can be added in the future. This corresponds to LIBVK_SECRET_
* in libvolume_key.h
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeInfo' DESC 'Information about a volume: NAME:VALUE' SYNTAX # OctetString X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
A multi-valued attribute, stores information about the volume that allows the user to select which escrow packet to use. Each value is a NAME:
VALUE string, with NAME consisting of characters in [a-zA-z0-9_/]
. The expected values include the LIBVKP_VP_IDENTIFICATION
properties of the volume reported by libvk_volume_dump_properties
, e.g.
Name | Value |
hostname |
Host name, as known on the computer |
volume_format |
Volume format, corresponds to LIBVK_VOLUME_FORMAT_ * in libvolume_key.h
volume_uuid |
Volume UUID, using a volume format-specific syntax |
volume_label |
Volume label |
volume_path |
Path to a block special file representing the device on the specified host. The path is not necessarily "canonical". There might be more than one attribute value with this NAME. |
luks/passphrase_slot |
An integer identifying the LUKS slot a passphrase is valid for |
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeKeyObsoletionTimestamp' DESC 'Time when a key was marked as obsolete' SYNTAX # GeneralizedTime SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
objectClass ( TBD NAME 'ipaVolumeKey' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( ipaUniqueID $ ipaVolumeHost $ ipaVolumeEscrowPacket ) MAY ( ipaVolumeKeySecretType $ ipaVolumeInfo $ ipaVolumeKeyObsoletionTimestamp ) X-ORIGIN 'IPAv2>' )
Suggested indices:
- An equality index on
, used to find packets related to a single host. This is sufficient for listing all relevant packets. It should also be sufficient when searching for a specific packet, there will be at most 10 packets per host in the usual case. - A presence index on
, used to identify obsolete keys that should be deleted. Ideally this should be a "b-tree index" (to allow searching for all obsolete packets), but that is not supported by the directory server.
🔗 IPA configuration
An additional attribute in ipaGuiConfig
attributeType ( TBD NAME 'ipaObsoleteEscrowPacketLifetime' DESC 'Number of days before an obsolete escrow packet is deleted (if a newer packet for the same volume is available)' SYNTAX # Integer SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
Escrow packets with ipaVolumeKeyObsoletionTimestamp
older than ipaObsoleteEscrowPacketLifetime
are automatically deleted.
Note: This applies only to packets that were recognized by the IPA server as obsoleted by a newer packet. Obsoleted packets will be recognized by volume UUID (or perhaps other volume attribute that is sufficiently unique), which may not be available for all volume formats. If a volume format does not support reliable recognition of obsolete packets, the IPA server will never automatically mark a packet obsolete, and ipaObsoleteEscrowPacketLifetime
will only affect packets that were manually marked obsolete by an administrator.
Todo: Make sure this limitation of automatic packet obsolescence is described in user documentation.
🔗 Questions
- What ACIs protect
entries? What other access controls are enforced by IPA (apart from the necessity to known the master key passphrase?) Perhaps acn=decryptescrowpacket,cn=taskgroups,cn=accounts,dc=...