Fedora Cloud computing
🔗 Contact Information
Owner: Fedora Infrastructure Team
Contact: #fedora-admin, sysadmin-cloud group
Persons: mmcgrath, SmootherFrOgZ, G
Location: Phoenix ?
Servers: capp1.fedoraproject.org, cnode[1-5].fedoraproject.org, store[1-4]
Purpose: Provide Virtual Machine for Fedora contributors.
🔗 Description
🔗 Rebuild capp1
Log into cnode1
Check that no capp1 domain is running
sudo virsh list
If there is a capp1 running, proceed as follow
sudo virsh destroy capp1 sudo virsh undefine capp1
Format capp1 disk for a better new virtual install
sudo /sbin/mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/VolGroup00/appliance1
You can now start install a new fresh capp1 virtual system
sudo virt-install -n capp1 -r 1024 --vcpus=2 --os-variant fedora10 --os-type linux \ -l http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/10/Fedora/x86_64/os/ \ --disk="path=/dev/VolGroup00/appliance1" --nographics --noacpi --hvm --network=bridge:br2 \ -x "console=ttyS0 ks=http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/rhel/ks/fedora \ --ip= netmask= gateway= dns="
Note: If the netowrk messes up during the prompt install, just configure it manually. NM will takes care of it then.
Note2: The above ks file seems to have graphical install as install method. Rebuild one or do a manual install to continue.
🔗 Network configuration
capp1 network interfaces will need to be setup manually in order to work against physical one.
Here is how to proceed, create your network interface
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
Then add this following configuration to the file
DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes PEERNTP=yes IPADDR=$physical_br_IP NETMASK=$physical_br_NETMASK HWADDR=$random_mac_addr
Reproduce the above for eth3 against br3
You can get br? IP and netmask on cnode1 with <ifconfig> cd-line.