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πŸ”— Fedora Core 4 WishList

(nothing silly like "let's remove KDE", or "dump evolution and")

πŸ”— New Package Requests

Requests for new packages to be added to the distribution.

πŸ”— End User Packages

Packages that enhance the experience for end users, those who use the distribution to get work done.

πŸ”— Apps

Applications that the user will interact with directly and their dependencies.

  • Inkscape An SVG vector editor for GNOME.

Already a Package in Fedora Extras.

  • BitTorrent - Downloads of Core are provided via Torrent....

Already a package in Fedora Extras. Update in progress in QA

  • GUI client requires WXPython . Already a package in Fedora Extras that targets GTK2.
  • Good audio editor inclusion
  • Sweep - audio editor with DJing

functions. Package in progress at QA .

package in Fedora Extras

  • GUI client requires WX Widgets . Already a package in Fedora Extras that targets GTK2.
  • RSS newsreader inclusion (Since Evolution 2.x has dropped this functionality.)
  • straw ( package)
  • liferea ( package)
  • Enlightenment as a window manager

πŸ”— Support

Infrastructure that directly aids in the end-user's experience of the distribution.

  • Better sound server replacement - no arts, or esd, something else. Alan had some

ideas about synchronization that he considered essential for a new sound server.

  • MAS
  • Jack
  • WINE (If the upstream release schedule is more sane.)
  • culmus font inclusion -
  • mscorefonts inclusion -
  • Each user being able to change languages for newly started applications in mid session.

Maybe a GUI tool to set the LANG= variable? (A panel applet?)

  • GDM and this proposed GUI tool should only display "installed" languages.

πŸ”— Developer Apps

Applications for software and system developers.

  • More Java development tools:
  • Tomcat
  • Eclipse integrated w/Tomcat
  • Dr. Python - an IDE for Python.
  • WXWidgets Cross-platform GUI toolkit.
  • Mono or DotGNU .NET implementation - both possibly needed for good .NET support on linux
  • distcc and ccache
  • Anjuta IDE inclusion - in
  • meld inclusion - package
  • Elektra - Could be included but no work done to port so

it's just for developers to play with.

πŸ”— Server

Programs which serve content. Usually to multiple clients and/or to other machines.

  • MySQL 4.x (MySQL 4 added along with MySQL 3 client libraries for programs

that have incompatible licensing.)

  • Zope
  • Groupware software - OpenGroupware

πŸ”— System Administration

Programs which aid in administrering the distribution.

monitor. Already a package in Fedora Extras.

  • Better firewall configuration tool
  • Shorewall (for firewalls) - in
  • Webmin (web-front end to shorewall)
  • apt & Synaptic inclusion
  • Yum front-end (gyum?)
  • GUI for editing RPM sources (for yum/apt/up2date)(?)
  • For people with a home network, easy GUI setup so that RPMs are downloaded only once(?)
  • new syslog replacement
  • Backup tool available in menu (allowing incremental backups, even to external disks)

πŸ”— General Cleanups

Bug fixes and enhancements that are targetted at the distribution as a whole rather than specific applications.

  • Update apps to remove the !GtkDeprecationWarning in gtk.mainloop
  • Update apps to remove SCSI ioctl, use SG_IO instead
  • Tell everyone old X Font server won't be shipped in FC5 so we can get

rid of it.

  • Graphical shut down - or just shut it down immediately after log out

πŸ”— Specific Bugs

Specific bugs. If we're doing our homework, these should all have Bugzilla entries.

  • Better ACPI support for laptops
  • Battery applet still wanting to use APM to suspend laptop
  • Goal is to close laptop lid and have it just suspend (and wake up)
  • !NetworkManager has UI problems, and bugs (with Orinoco cards?)
  • Working Evolution NNTP support - we might just need an FC3 update
  • ip conntrack handle ipv6

πŸ”— Installer

Enhancements and problems with installing Fedora.

  • Anaconda "advanced" menu for experienced users so there's more package


  • a miniconda (small anaconda) for smallish installs. Looking at 'cinch' a floppy-based

installer (written for caosity), uses yum for installs

  • XFS support in installer

πŸ”— Policy

Changes, clarifications, or other requests about the Project Policies.

  • Fedora Extras
  • Notting would like 40-day hours, thanks :)

πŸ”— Makeup of Core

Requests to change the size, makeup, or construction of Core.

  • Main distro down to 1 or 2 discs - its growing too much
  • Really, really minimal install - no nfs/portmap/ypbind/X/httpd/etc... but have yum at

least so that once a minimal install is done, a user can use yum to pull packages that are required down, and not have to uninstall packages

  • Restructure Core on the CDs so a user can download a subset of the CDs and install them

so size can be reduced and new features added.

πŸ”— Uncategorized

πŸ”— Fedora Core 2 (unfulfilled) wishes

  • speedtech kernel module, i.e. w/pppd supporting plugins
  • User Mode Linux inclusion, to test future FC releases (easier)
  • qemu (as opposed to anaconda installing in a large chroot)
  • Alan's quick list (some irrelvant/fixed removed)
  • Fix the translations process to avoid the FC1 menu fiasco
  • Fix or drop apps that just don't work in FC1. If they don't

work and nobody fixed them then there isn't any point continuing to ship them (eg the terminal server client)

  • Opengroupware IFF there is a calendaring solution for

evolution and it by then

  • Get the extras framework sorted and consign lots of the

old 'small userbase pet program' stuff to it (eg joe)

  • Font coverage for missing fonts where possible
  • Make metacity actually work properly if we are going to

ship it.

  • Mondo Rescue inclusion -
  • Multisync inclusion
  • !WorkRave inclusion
  • ntop inclusion -
  • GFS support
  • NTFS support
  • Rescue CD that had GUI list of problems, and their quick fixes - fixing your borked Linux installation for Dummies

πŸ”— Fedora Core 3 (unfulfilled) wishes

  • ipw2100/2200 wireless support

The firmware is indeed not redistributable, but SuSE managed to make set-up almost trivial in 9.1 by including the kernel module but then requiring their users to download the firmware themselves.