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Fedora Documentation CVS repository

Daily checkout seeds

If you are only interested in the devel branch (also known as the HEAD or trunk) you can download a daily checkout of the devel trees from the daily checkout seeds. Once you downloaded the appropiate file, you can unpack it and issue a cvs update, thus saving time on the initial project checkout.

CVS checkout instructions

To get access to a CVS tree for anonymous read-only access, you will need to do the following:

  • set your CVSROOT variable:
export CVSROOT
  • Log into the CVS server using an empty password when asked for the anonymous password (just press Enter):
cvs login
(press Enter when prompted for the password)
  • Checkout your desired module. There are two types of checkout actions that you can perform:

1. Check out a whole release, or the current development tree. You do this by checking out one or more of the following modules:

  • RHL-8 (packages published for Red Hat Linux 8)
  • RHL-9 (packages published for Red Hat Linux 9)
  • FC-1 (packages published for Fedora Core 1)
  • FC-2 (packages published for Fedora Core 2)
  • devel (packages published for the last released version of Fedora Core; currently Fedora Core 3). Also see the the daily checkout seeds for a faster way of getting started with this branch.

2. If you know the name of a package that is part of Fedora Documentation, you can request a checkout of just that package. For example:

cvs checkout gtkpod

In the above example, you can substitute gtkpod with any other package of your choice that you know to be part of the repository. Please Note, the package name is the name of the source rpm - you will check out libtiff, not libtiff-devel.

Web-view modules for Fedora Docs CVS tree

The following web-view systems are available:

CVS commits mailing list for Fedora Documentation

There is a mailing list where all the patches commited in the Fedora Documentation repository are sent. If you would like to keep up2date with all the code changes, please subscribe to the fedora-docs-commits mailing list .