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Revision as of 19:19, 21 August 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Minor wiki tweak)

🔗 Description

This test case is intended to validate using a locally built dracut generated ramdisk image on system whose kernel doesn't provide a host-built dracut ramdisk.

🔗 How to test

  1. On an already installed system (e.g. Fedora 11), Confirm that the kernel does not provide a dracut ramdisk image
    rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) -l | fgrep -q initrd-generic \
    && echo "Bad. Dracut ramdisk already provided by kernel rpm" \
    || echo "OK. No dracut ramdisk provided by kernel rpm"
  2. Install the dracut and dracut-generic packages:
    yum install dracut dracut-generic
  3. Create a dracut enabled kernel ramdisk image
    dracut /boot/initrd-generic-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
  4. Tell your bootloader to use the new dracut ramdisk
    grubby --make-default --title "Test dracut" \
    --add-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) \
    --initrd /boot/initrd-generic-$(uname -r).img \
  5. Now reboot the your system

🔗 Expected Results

  1. This test is only valid on a system that does not provide a dracut ramdisk image with the kernel rpm. To confirm, you should see
    OK.  No dracut ramdisk provided by kernel rpm
  2. Dracut packages should install without error
  3. The dracut ramdisk image is created without error
  4. A new grub boot entry is added that uses your existing kernel, but the new dracut ramdisk
  5. The system boots normally