From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Description
This test case is intended to validate using a locally built dracut generated ramdisk image on system whose kernel doesn't provide a host-built dracut ramdisk.
🔗 How to test
- On an already installed system (e.g. Fedora 11), Confirm that the kernel does not provide a dracut ramdisk image
rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) -l | fgrep -q initrd-generic \
- && echo "Bad. Dracut ramdisk already provided by kernel rpm" \
- || echo "OK. No dracut ramdisk provided by kernel rpm"
- Install the dracut and dracut-generic packages:
yum install dracut dracut-generic
- Create a dracut enabled kernel ramdisk image
dracut /boot/initrd-generic-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
- Tell your bootloader to use the new dracut ramdisk
grubby --make-default --title "Test dracut" \
- --add-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) \
- --initrd /boot/initrd-generic-$(uname -r).img \
- --copy-default
- Now reboot the your system
🔗 Expected Results
- This test is only valid on a system that does not provide a dracut ramdisk image with the kernel rpm. To confirm, you should see
OK. No dracut ramdisk provided by kernel rpm
- Dracut packages should install without error
- The dracut ramdisk image is created without error
- A new grub boot entry is added that uses your existing kernel, but the new dracut ramdisk
- The system boots normally