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FESCo Election 2006

After several discussions privately and in IRC Meetings it was agreed on to perform a election for the next FESCo. This step was announced and discussed on fedora-extras-list. The current plan to actually do it looks like this:

  • Number of FESCo members in the future: 13 +/- 2 (we'll discuss this after we see how many self-nominations we got)
  • Everyone that wants to be in the next FESCo period needs to write a self-nomination in the wiki during the first week of May 2006 (1. - 8. May 2006). Each member should forward his entry to the fedora-extras-list, too.

There is no special form required for this self-nomination, but it should answer things like

  • Mission Statement
  • Past work summary
  • Future plans
  • All people who maintain packages in Extras (e.g. those that are members of the group cvsextras in cvs) can vote for as many members as they want to vote for. Proposed date: When we have a system/script how to actually do the vote. At the earliest it will be between 9. and 14 May 2006).
  • The top (n) vote-getters are in.
  • A new FESCo-chair is elected by the newly elected FESCo on the first meeting (that would be 20. May 2006)