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Revision as of 09:09, 19 January 2010 by Jafnh (talk | contribs)

🔗 João Angelo de Franco

João Aneglo de Franco

Brazilian Fedora Ambassador
E-mail: jafnh AT live DOT com
Gtalk: jafnhgm AT gmail DOT com

I'm João Angelo de Franco. I'm a Security Analyst, and worked before as IT Manager. I work with and use at home Fedora OS (yes, I used before another distros, but in my opinion, the Red Hat and Fedora systems are better for both, desktop and server). I spread Fedora at my College, my work, events and other ways.

As well, I'm actually a Mozilla Firefox Campus Reps Regional Leader.

🔗 Contact

  • Email: jafnh AT projetofedora DOT org
  • Fedora Account: jafnh
  • IRC: JoaoFranco

🔗 Fedora Projects Involved