From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 18:47, 11 February 2010 by Jose152 (talk | contribs)

Remember that this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION for this day! :)

Jose Miguel Salcido Aguilar

Hello, my name is Jose Miguel, I'm from México and Im a student of Software Engineer at ITSON.


  • Email:
  • IRC: #otfusion on Quakenet - - - // edit this - - -Your freenode IRC name and channels you hang out (eg. #fedora-docs,
  • GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
  • Fedora Account: jose152

Activities within Fedora

  • My idea is to spread this OS on México.
  • I will have a little speak about the GNU/Linux OS this Friday (12/02/10) on my OS class and I would lend some Fedora 12 cds (live cd) to my partners.
  • For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.