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Fedora Start Program
Contribute to Fedora Project by the easy way.
File:DamienDurand FedoraStart WikiGraphics/Fedora_Design.png
Table of Contents

What's Fedora Start?

You want to contribute to Fedora ? But, you don't know how to contribute by the easy way? You find contribution too hard or inaccesible for you and you want to offer your services to the Fedora Project ? Fedora Start is made for you!

With the Fedora Start Project, you'll be able to offer your contribution in different Fedora Projects. Above all, it's the right way to start contributing and to see how everything works before joining a sub project. Indeed, after having provided several contributions to Fedora Start, maintainers of different projects will notice you thanks to your little jobs, which will bring an idea and a guarantee of your work. You'll be done for joining the teams and offer your contributions.

Fedora Start: Projects

Fedora start is a program associated with different Fedora Projects, the goal that allow to you to contribute before joining an eventual project. Your help is great for our contributors and developpers and facilitate their works.

Fedora Start: Bug Triaging

One of importans things in an open source project, is provide a product without bugs. You can helping developers to realize this by an easy ways, find uncompleted Bugs!:

Fedora Start: Extras

Extras is a repos that provide an hight quality of packages, more there are packages, more Fedora is better for everyone!

How to participate?

Joigning Fedora Start Program is really simple, several means are possible.

Mailing list

Irc channel