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Revision as of 15:06, 26 February 2010 by Nicubunu (talk | contribs) (next issue)

🔗 Artwork

In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

🔗 Alpha Banner

Following a reminder[1] from John Poelstra about the upcoming scheduled tasks for the Design Team, Nicu Buculei proposed a first conceptCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag and Alexander Smirnov followed[2] with his own.

🔗 LiveCD Icon

Onyeibo Oku proposed[1] an icon for the Live media "I like to be reminded that I have a Fedora Media mounted (either in windows or in Fedora). I noticed that fedora media displays a generic icon when mounted so I decided to create something" and after Paul Frields pointed[2] a few mistakes " normally we would not use a 3D version of the Fedora logo like this in the distro itself, since it doesn't match the other visual styling of the desktop" he updated the design[3].

🔗 Testing the Alpha Backgrounds

Paul Frields issued[1] a call for help with testing the Fedora 13 Alpha backgrounds "If you've been testing the Goddard backgrounds, *please* log in at the Bodhi site and leave a comment to let us know if they're working OK for you in the F13 pre-release" and with the help of this call, Martin Sourada reported[2] the package promotion "Many thanks anyone who tested and left a comment in Bodhi. The packages have been tagged into dist-f13 now, so they should make it into Alpha :)"