From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 16:56, 26 February 2010 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Wiki updates)

🔗 Introduction

This page is intended to gather feedback from the Fedora QA community on things that worked well and things that could have been better with the testing of Fedora 12. The feedback will be used as a basis for identifying areas for improvement for Fedora 13 testing. Any thoughts, big or small, are valuable. If someone already provided feedback similar to what you'd like to add, don't worry ... add your thoughts regardless.

For any questions or concerns, send mail to

🔗 Providing feedback

Adding feedback is fairly straight forward. If you already have a Fedora account ...

  1. Login to the wiki
  2. Select [Edit] for the appropriate section below.
  3. Add your feedback using the format:
    * ~~~ - I like ____ about the new ____ process
  4. When done, Submit your changes

Otherwise, if you do not have a Fedora account, follow the instructions below ...

  1. Select the appropriate page for your feedback...
  2. Add your feedback using the format:
    * ~~~ - I like ____ about the new ____ process
  3. When done, Submit your changes

🔗 Feedback

🔗 Things that went well

  • - I like the higher default 1024x768 screen resolution provided for generic display upon installation.

🔗 Could have been better

  • Parijath - DNS not resolving - In my default installation, firefox can not resolve urls. When I give the ip address, it is working well. Otherwise it doesn't work. 'ping -c 3' is working again. I thought there must be some problem with SELinux or Firewall. As I am a new comer, I have disabled iptables and ip6tables and also SELinux security. Then rebooted. Even then I couldn't connect to any url from firefox. I have tried to enable all the services which relate to dns and networking. What should I do ? I opened a terminal, 'su', then typed 'firefox' ( as root) then an error message has come. It is given below ... Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)
  • Prarijath - Package Update problems - Next problem is ... the system has shown about 12 updates. When I selected update, it is eternal.
    • jlaska 17:36, 27 April 2010 (UTC) - Greetings Parijath. Sorry to hear of your troubles. Your best bet is to join the Fedora QA test mailing list and start communicating each issue you are experiencing. Try to keep your emails specific to one topic per mail, and just as you have done here, include any diagnostics you have performed to solve the problem.
  • jlaska - freeze date between TC and RC - Because the alpha development freeze takes places after the test compose, the first alpha release candidate had a lot of change and was dead on arrival (see thread discussing changes).
  • jlaska - live images - Not having daily Live images available for test left several Live installer bugs lurking until late.

🔗 Wishlist

🔗 References