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Revision as of 18:50, 8 March 2010 by Duffy (talk | contribs)
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  • Date/Time: Thursday 7 December 2009
  • Video Files:
    • Part A: TBA
    • Part B: TBA
  • FAS Account: (withheld for privacy for now)
  • Browser used: firefox-3.5.6-1.fc12.x86_64
  • Computer used: Mo's x61 laptop (Fedora 12)
  • Package maintainership: Used to be a heavy package maintainer. Now a manager of others who maintain packages. Listed as owning 6 and maintaining 325 packages.

Introduction / First Impressions

  1. Have you seen this site before? If so, where did you hear about it?
    • no
  2. Have you used this site before? If so, what have you used it for? How did that go? How often have you used this site?
    • no
  3. (On front page) What are your first impressions, looking at this site now?
    • a lot of motion with spinning fedora icon.
    • looks like a website, mostly like a fedora site
    • grey predominant, more grey than blue
  4. (On front page) What do you think this site is?
    • based on its name.... helps packagers? I don't know.
  5. (On front page) Any other comments you'd like to make about this site?
    • no
  6. (On front page) What do you think of this page? Where would you click first?
    • login



  1. View your profile on this site. What do you think about it? Is the information accurate? Do your group memberships seem accurate? Do your package affiliations seem accurate?
    • clicks 'view profile' in right sidebar
    • very slow. extremely slow.
    • i don't maintain 360 packages. it's wrong.
    • i own 6 packages - that's accurate.
    • groups seem mine. oh, i'm missing a couple i think. even if i click on the full view, they don't show up.
  2. You've just spoken with Dennis Gilmore and he's asked you to open a ticket for him in a trac instance. In order to cc Dennis on the ticket, you'll need to figure out his FAS account name. Where would you go to look it up?
    • skipped it.


  1. Do you have any unpushed updates? Where would you go to look this up?
    • clicks 'package maintenance'
    • sees a list of packages
    • clicks on 'pending updates' in the right sidebar
    • very slow! loads, then doesn't load.
  2. How are your builds doing? Where would you go to look this up?
    • looking on the right sidebar
    • clicks on 'in progress builds'
  3. Let's say you have a friend who is a little bit behind the times - she is running Fedora 10. There's an annoying Inkscape bug that bothers her - after searching the internet for a bit you found out the bug is fixed in Inkscape version 0.47.
    • Is Inkscape version 0.47 available in Fedora 10 for your friend?
      • clicks 'search' in the lower left sidebar
      • searches for 'inkscape'
      • clicks on inkscape in the search results
      • it's available in testing
    • If Inkscape version 0.47 is not available for Fedora 10, can you download an SRPM here to build it for her?
      • looks at the right sidebar on the inkscape package details page(but he doesn't think he should)
      • i'm guessing it'll take me to something generic instead of that specific package
      • Finds it



  1. You need help with yelp. Who's the package maintainer?
    • goes to search at the top
    • searches for 'yelp' => clicks yelp => matt barnes
  2. Luke Macken is going away on vacation for a couple of weeks and he's asked you to look over his packages while he's gone. How many packages does he have, and do any of them need attention? Where would you go to look this up?
    • we skipped this one because user profiles stopped loading completely


  1. How would you file a bug against NetworkManager using this system?
    • mouses over and clicks 'bugs' external link from the yelp package details screen
    • now he's outside of the system
    • goes back to fcomm
    • goes to top searchbox, types 'netwrk manager' - didn't find it, spelled wrong
    • corrects the spelling and tries again. finds it
    • goes to network manager details page, looks at right toolbar, clicks 'bugs'
    • found it
  2. What has changed in the 'ruby' package over the last few updates? Where would you go to look this up?
    • goes to top and searches for 'ruby'
    • clicks on ruby - clicks on changelog entry in the right sidebar of the ruby details page
  3. How's the karma of your current testing updates doing? How would you check up on this in Fedora Community?
    • clicks on 'updates' in the right sidebar for ruby
    • clicks 'package maintenance' on the left
    • clicks 'packages i own' in the right sidebar
    • clicks 'view my pending updates' in lower right (Found it)


  1. How well does Fedora Community support your package maintenance workflow?
    • i don't do much package maintenance so i don't know that i would use it
  2. Would you use Fedora Community to help maintain your packages? Which parts?
    • not sure
  3. Is there any essential functionality missing from Fedora Community that would help you maintain your packages more easily?
    • potential to help you?
    • maybe - i like that i don't have to go to koji and bodhi for different things for example
    • i go to koji to look at why a build failed. i'd look at my package or someone else's
    • i look at builds for other people - people on my team want help if their build failed - they give me a link to se what happened
    • if someone is on vacatino i might have to push a security update for their package
  4. Did you learn anything about Fedora Community's functionality through this test?
    • yes
  5. What do you think is the most useful function of Fedora Community?
    • you can get through two different fedora infrastructure apps from the same site
    • it's a benefit but i don't see substantial benefit
  6. What are the least useful functions of Fedora Community?
    • i thought it was silly to search packagers not packages by default. i don't look for people, i look for builds