Here is the Text for upcoming presskit Inlay / Module for the Fedoraproject Security Spin. Feel free to copy and distribute on your own. It would be nice to have a copy of the publication / Link / Eventpage where this was used for later improvement and the archive. Thanks.
🔗 The Talking Points F13 Security Spin
The Fedora Security Spin provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies in universities and other organizations. The spin is maintained by a community of security testers and developers. It comes with the clean and fast LXDE Desktop Environment and a customized menu that provides all the instruments needed to follow a proper test path for security testing or to rescue a broken system. The Live image has been crafted to make it possible to install software while running, and if you are running it from a USB stick created with the LiveUSB Creator's overlay feature, you can install and update software and save your test results permanently. Additional information is available at the Security Spin home page and its wiki page.
Thorough, Safe and Secure!
🔗 The Fedora Security Spin Press Proposal
The Fedora Security Spin is a Fedora based Live CD to provide a safe and secure test-environment for working on security-auditing, forensics and penetration-testing, coupled with all the Fedora-Security features and tools. It was originally built by Luke Macken, Adam John Miller and is now owned by Joerg Simon and is accepted as a feature for the upcoming F13.
The Security Spin is maintained by a community of Security Testers and Developers. It comes with the clean and fast LXDE Desktop Enviroment and a customized menu to have all the instruments one may need to follow a proper test-path on security testing[1]or to rescue a broken system. With the read-write rootfs, it is possible to install software while the livecd is running. The Fedora liveusb-creator provides an overlay feature to put the security-spin on an usb-stick so that the user can install and update software - and can save his test-results permanently.
🔗 Benefits
- A Toolset for Administrators in Case of Emergency
- A stable platform for teaching security along Security Classes in Universities and Organisations like the ISECOM so People learn about Fedora through these Classes
- Showcase for all Security-Features
- A Toolset for proper Security-Testing
- a complete Repair/Rescue System - with tools not contained on the
other LiveCD's to rescue your System
- gather interested People to package new upstreams for this spin
- Marketing Instrument!
- There are Industry Partners who are interested to contribute
- and also contained in this presentation SecuritySpin and the OSSTMM
project contact: Joerg Simon – Hiemanshu Sharma -
press contact: Henrik Heigl –
For questions and Improvement of this text please contact Henrik Heigl -
- odt version
- pdf version