From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:31, 13 September 2010 by Computercolin (talk | contribs) (Adding top banner for the FAD)

This is the main page for the Etherpad Fedora Activity Day to be held Oct 8-9th at Olin College of Engineering. We hope you'll join us!

Background: EtherPad (video demo) was a high-performance web-based collaborative document editor, launched in 2008 from It was acquired by Google during the development of Google Wave, and the service's code base was open-sourced. Several websites now run an EtherPad service and there is interest in making private installs (such as one for the Fedora Project) easier to create.

Buuut the EtherPad code-base isn't exactly in a packageable state, as demonstrated by SDZ, here. We would like to package EtherPad correctly for Fedora. Where possible, we intend to use JavaEE practices to package as a no-deps archives.

Finally, once complete, we'd like to use the new packages to setup an EtherPad instance for the Fedora Community.


  1. Our purpose is to...
    • Repackage EtherPad in a consistent, Java standard, portable way
    • Create compliant, Fedora packages for EtherPad
    • Setup EtherPad instance on Fedora Infrastructure
    • Teach non-Propeller-heads about OSS development and the technologies used
  2. In addition, we will attempt to complete the following secondary goals as time allows:
    • Build better(/more complete) test system for EtherPad
    • Create a EP web-config interface -- easier to deploy EP
    • Document EP

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees

  1. Inventory attendees and skill sets
  2. Create plan of action
  3. TODO: Fill in ...
  4. Get Fedora EtherPad package approved
  5. Deploy package to Fedora Infastructure

Planning Prerequisites

See the How to organize a FAD list; you can keep your to-do list here.

  • Decide on location Olin College, Needham MA
  • Work out budget In progress
  • Decide on dates
  • Arrange Facilities (reservation)
  • List Resources
  • Be Somewhat Structured (Arguable =P)
  • Arrange Lodging (Attendees will have to cover themselves)
  • Arrange Refreshments
  • Arrange a Social Event
  • Add other action items here



Olin Campus Center Olin College, 1000 Olin Way, Needham MA, 02492, USA



Crescent Room (CC209 and CC211)


Note: all times are US Eastern. GMT -5 hours.

Pre-FAD (very optional)

  • Saturday, October 2nd
    • 3pm - Collude, plan, etc.

computercolin: Planning to work with Joe Cornelli and some EP contributors from Europe here.


  • Friday, October 8th
    • 5pm - Kickoff (introductions, something fun, layout of plan)
    • 6pm - Hacking
    • 8pm - Educational Break: Intro to OSS development for Olin Students
  • Saturday, October 9th
    • 11:00am - Individual reports and progress check
    • 11:30am - Hacking
    • 1:30pm - Indian lunch buffet at Masala Art
    • 2:30pm - Hacking
    • 5:00pm - Educational Break: Q&A on how EtherPad works; technologies it uses
    • 7:00pm - Interactive Stir-fry Dinner
  • Sunday, October 10th
    • Breakfast by Colin for the hardcore
    • Kickout

computercolin: Think we could do a most-of-night (all-night?) hack session one of the nights. Both, probably too much.

Skills needed

  • Java application packaging
  • Javascript/java/scala decipherment
    • framework expertise in jetty, Comet, AppJet or Rhino would be helpful
    • also some mysql or apache derby
  • infrastructure deployment
  • software project management
  • code (re)architecture
  • developer documentation
  • Malleable mind to fill (this list look intimidating? come learn something, hear war stories, see what this web-service, Comet, open-source, computer stuff is all about!)


Physically Present

  • Colin Zwiebel (Needham, MA) - Organizer (it appears) - developer, Oliner, Will be there
    • Find us some Java Propeller-heads
    • Snag some cool space at Olin
    • Get some awesome Oliners (not hard)
    • Make sure everyone learns something and has fun
  • Andy Pethan (Needham, MA) - Attendee/hacker/facilitator - developer, Etherpad fanboy Will be there
  • Sebastian Dziallas ( Needham, MA) - Fedora Packager - developer, packager Will make it
  • DJ Gallagher (Boston, MA) - Java Propeller-head - dev, documentation Will probably come
  • Jeff Mitchell (Boston, MA) - Asked to give talk, community management, coding, sysadmin - coming
  • Matt Crawford (Wellesley, MA) - polymath computer skills - Interested in coming
  • Paul Booth (Olin) - Coding, testing, jokes - Be there
  • Jason Curtis (Olin) - Java - Interested
  • Jeff Atkinson (Olin) - Java - coming
  • Danny Bathgate (Olin) - polymath programming skills - interested
  • Kevin Mehall (Olin) - coding, lots of linux admin - Very interested


  • Mel Chua (Raleigh, NC) - QA implementation - Can probably come if schedule is free--Errt, she's in South Africa doing a POSSE
    • Ticket tracker setup (move this to
    • Collect all existing bugs/enhancement requests and get them written and triaged properly
    • Test case/results system implementation
    • Write and execute first round of test cases, starting with a smoke test, then moving to focus on scaleability, cross-platform/browser testing
    • QA infrastructure experimentation (probably looking at Mozilla's tools for starters)
  • Joe Cornelli - (Milton Keynes, UK?) - linux admin skills, further evaluation needed - Interested in remoting
  • John McClear - (UK) - PrimaryPad, admin, (more...) - Very interested in remoting, has week off!
  • Brian Herman - (Chicago, IL) - polymath programming - Interested in remoting



  • Andy / Oliner w/ car will pickup week of FAD. Will consist mainly of Soda.


  • Masala Art outing
    • Attendees will carpool / ride bikes 1 mile into Needham

Masala Art on Yelp


  • Friday (8th) - Sweet Tomatoes Pizza
  • Saturday (9th) - Communal, interactive, stir-fry dinner
    • Colin and helpers will grab rice cookers, setup spicing station

Infastructure / Communication

  1. Projector i=n room / borrow from Olin IT
  2. Borrow video camera for streaming video / screencast



  • Pre-FAD
    • $0
  • FAD
    • Food:
      • Friday, Sweet Tomatoes Pizza - $15 / reg attendee ~$120
      • Saturday, Masala Art Buffet (the discussion meal) - $14 / reg attendee ~$250
      • Saturday, Communal Chinese Dinner - $150 total
    • Drinks / Snacks
      • $20 /night =$40

Food total: $560


Contributor Type Dept Arrv Dept Arrv Cost
Jon Stanley Amtrak Oct 8 ~6pm - NYC (Penn station) Oct 8 - Route 128 Station (RTE) Oct 10 ~9am - Olin Oct 10 - NYC (Penn station) $180 USD


Contributor Location Check-in Check-out Cost
Tom Calloway BECC (~at olin) Oct 8 Oct 10 $350 USD
Jon Stanley BECC (~at olin) Oct 8 Oct 10 $350 USD


$1440 USD
