From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:49, 16 December 2010 by Iaslanidis (talk | contribs) (Added last wiki test.)
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  • Each of these points should have at least a single simple test for success detailed. This will aid with future upgrades by giving us a reference for behavior.

Trac proper

FAS Authentication

  • Login
  1. Ensure that your are connected using HTTPS.
  2. In the top right corner, click on the 'Login' button.
  3. An basic http authentication prompt should show up.
  4. Fill in your FAS username and password.
  5. You should see 'logged in as <your_username>' now in the top right corner.
  • Logout
  1. In the top right corner, click on the 'Logout' button.
  2. You should see the 'Login' link in the top right corner.


  • Ticket creation
  • Ticket changes
  • Ticket resolution
  • Add attachment to ticket
  • Email notification of ticket changes


  • Page creation
  1. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  2. Ensure that the page does not exist. Otherwise, use test2, test3, etc. as needed. Remember to delete it afterwards.
  3. The 'Create this page' button should show up in the left.
  4. Click on 'Create this page'.
  5. Type some text in the 'Editing' text area.
  6. Add a comment in the 'Change information' text area.
  7. Click on the 'Preview' button and ensure that your modifications show up as you would expect.
  8. Click on the 'Cancel' button.
  9. Repeat the above steps without editing the 'Change information' text area.
  10. Repeat the above steps without editing the 'Editing' text area.
  11. Repeat the above steps without editing either of the fields.
  12. Click on 'Create this page'.
  13. Type some text in the 'Editing' text area.
  14. Add a comment in the 'Change information' text area.
  15. Click on the 'Submit' button and ensure that your modifications show up as you would expect.
  16. Repeat the above steps without editing the 'Change information' text area.
  17. Repeat the above steps without editing the 'Editing' text area.
  18. Repeat the above steps without editing either of the fields.
  • Page editing
  1. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  2. If the page does not exist, create it.
  3. Now click on the 'Edit this page' button.
  4. Modify the page as you would usually do.
  5. Click on the 'Preview' button and verify that it is displayed correctly.
  6. Now click on 'Submit changes' and verify that the page is saved correctly.
  7. In the top right corner, click on the 'Last change' link and verify that the differences are correct.
  8. In the top right corner, click on the 'Page history' link and verify that the history of changes shows up properly.
  • Page deletion
  1. Ensure that you have WIKI_ADMIN rights.
  2. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  3. If the page does not exist, create it.
  4. Now, in the bottom of the page you should see the 'Delete this page' button.
  5. Click on 'Delete this page' button and ensure that the page is gone.
  • Page version deletion
  1. Ensure that you have WIKI_ADMIN rights.
  2. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  3. If the page does not exist, create it.
  4. Now, in the bottom of the page you should see the 'Delete this version' button.
  5. Click on 'Delete this version' button and ensure that the page has now the previous version.
  • Add attachment
  1. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  2. If the page does not exist, create it.
  3. Now, in the bottom of the page you should see the 'Attach file' button.
  4. Choose a file, fill in the comment field and then click the 'Cancel' button and see that the file is not uploaded and that you correctly return where you were.
  5. Now repeat the above step, but click on 'Add attachment' button and verify that it gets uploaded correctly.
  6. Repeat the process without writing any comments.
  • Delete attachment
  1. Ensure that you have WIKI_ADMIN rights.
  2. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  3. If the page does not exist, create it.
  4. Now, in the bottom of the page you should see the 'Attach file' button.
  5. Add an attachment.
  6. Now try to delete this file and ensure that indeed it gets deleted.
  • Overwrite attachment
  1. Ensure that you have WIKI_ADMIN rights.
  2. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/test
  3. If the page does not exist, create it.
  4. Now, in the bottom of the page you should see the 'Attach file' button.
  5. Add an attachment.
  6. Now try to upload a file with the same name and different contents and ensure that it gets overwritten properly.
  7. Now do it again and ensure that the contents remain the same.
  • Macros
  1. Point your browser to https://<hostname>/fedora-infrastructure/wiki/WikiMacros
  2. Ensure that all the macros in this page work properly.
  • Search and queries (stress test advised)
  1. In the top right of the page there is the search box.
  2. Type in some words that make sense to search for.
  3. Ensure that the query runs and that it does not take more than some seconds to execute.
  4. Now filter out 'Tickets', search again and verify that no tickets show up.
  5. Repeat the test filtering out 'Changesets'.
  6. Repeat the test filtering out 'Milestones'.
  7. Repeat the test filtering out 'Wiki'.


Trac plugins

  • trac-xmlrpc-plugin
  • trac-customfieldadmin-plugin
  • trac-mercurial-plugin
  • email2trac
  • trac-ticketdelete-plugin
  • trac-toc-macro
  • trac-monotone-plugin
  • trac-iniadmin-plugin
  • trac-peerreview-plugin
  • trac-git-plugin
  • trac-webadmin
  • trac-tickettemplate-plugin
  • trac-bazaar-plugin
  • trac-privateticketsplugin


Here is the list of scripts that we use to interact with trac:


Upgrade process

Is the process merely one of upgrading trac, and everything just works, or must data be munged.


Surrounding things

Upgrading trac is really upgrading the entire hosted platform - which means we should run through things like repo creation script/SOPs to make sure they are still sane.