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Revision as of 19:37, 27 February 2011 by Mrtom (talk | contribs) (→‎Work for 2011)

This page presents the activities and financial report of the Fedora-Fr NPO for the 2009 fiscal year (from January 1st 2010 to December 31st 2010).

Annual Budget

Estimated 2010 Budget

This section presents the budget we planned at the beginning of the year.

Credit Debit
Members subscriptions 400.00€
Fedora Project Funding 2,000.00€
Swag sales 1,000.00€
Spreadshirt shop sales 200.00€
Total incomes 3,600.00€
Insurance 100.00€
Media producing 1,100.00€
Swag purchase [1] 1,100.00€
Subscription to April [2] 40.00€
Ambassadors funding [3] 600.00€
Total expenses 2940.00€

  1. We have leftovers from previous year, so we shouldn't be producing as much as we did in 2009.
  2. Founded in 1996, April is the main French advocacy association devoted to promote and protect Free/Libre Software. With its 5389 members (4939 individuals, 450 businesses, associations and organizations as of March 2010), April is a pioneer of Free Software in France. Since 1996, it is a major player in the democratization and the spread of free software and open standards to the general public, professionals and institutions in the French-speaking world. It also acts as a watchdog on digital freedoms, warning the public about the dangers of private interests keeping an exclusive stranglehold on information and knowledge.
  3. Yes, we realized we planned way too much in 2009, so we lowered it a lot. However, it makes sense to still put some money aside for this in case someone needs it.

Real 2010 Budget

This section presents the actual budget as reviewed at the end of the year.

This section will be written at the end of the year.

Fedora-Fr NPO Yearly Activity Report

January 1st, 2010 – December 31st, 2010


Today, the organization has 26 members. It's 4 members less than the last General Assembly (which already counted some members less), and even if he was reminded of his involvement, he did not want to subscribe again to the organization. Les 26 members are only people person. All of them are up to date with their fees. The total loss over the last two years is of10 people.

As each year, some persons wanted to get member of the organization and get registered to our online management member tool but they did not send their fees. 8 persons are in this case this year.

New registrations are often done during events where the organization is present. Very few persons subscribe through our online management member tool

Like last year, the organization does not have any honor member.

Legal Processes


The organization has now a civil responsability insurance (the legal minimum in french law) subscribed to the MAAF Insurance company. The contract is renewed every year,

Paypal account

At the end of this year, the organization created a Paypal account to ease the subscription for its members. This fills a gap we were noticed several times already.



The organization signed a contract with RedHat giving the organization the right to use the Fedora brand inside the domain name of the website.


The organization renewed its hosting contract with Ikoula. This year, it has been formalised into a real partnership contract. The hosting service continues to be free of any charge for the organization server (Borsalino),


FOSDEM, Brussels, February 2010 (5000 people av.)

Like each year, Fedora-fr was not present by itself at the event at Brussels. However, member of the organization could attend the event and represent the organization to foreign ambassadors. Relationships are good with everybody.

Solutions Linux, Paris, March 2010 (8200 people av.)

This year, Fedora-fr was having a booth at this event (from March 16th to 18th 2010). This was the occasion for many of us to meet again and talk with people of other communities and Linux distributions.

Computer Science day, Maubeuge, June 2010 (200 people av.)

This year, Fedora-fr was there for a day long.

FOSS Brittany Meetings 2010, may 2010 (300 people av.)

During this weekend happened the FOSS Brittany Meetings. We managed to have a representant of the organization during this weekend helping promoting Fedora at this event.

Fedora 13 Meetings, june 2010 (150 people av.)

For the release of Fedora 13, Fedora-Fr organized with the help of Parinux (Paris LUG) and Universciences (place of the event). During this day, many Fedora installation were done on people computers willing to try the new release. Two workshops on Fedora administration, Latex and Zarafa. This day just stuck with the « First FOSS Saturdays »[1] event, which is organised for every Linux distribution and FOSS project every first Saturday of a month at Universcience. This was our first time for all of us. Everything went very smoothly, an experiment to do again next year obviously!

Libre Software Meeting, July 2010

This year at Bordeaux, the Libre Software Meeting is obviously on of the most important FOSS related event in France. The organization was represented by several people inside the NPO village, The booth was shared with Mandriva and OpenSuse for the second time thanks to Michael Scherer (misc)'s work.

Fedora 14 Meetings, December 2010 (150 people av.)

Once again, this event happened during the « First FOSS Saturdays »[2] event. Several other distributions were there as well and the ambiance was good. A workshop was planned on accessibility card building as well as two conferences : one on Latex, the other on Beamer.


No swag were produced this year (T-shirts, pens or other).

Online Shop

The products of our online shop were refreshed with the new Fedora theme thanks to Carlos Vassalo. We can propose today more than 50 products with 4 different themes : Fedora logo on black or white background, the four fundations theme and the first fedora-fr design.

Please note that we promote Spreadshirt discounts when they exists to our comunity. These offers has a low impact on the onlineshop sells.

External relationships


Relationships with Parinux remains extremely important for any activity of Fedora-fr inside the Paris area. They are very good anyway. These relationships are maintained by the events to which we participate such as the First FOSS Saturdays and Fedora Meetings.


After some uncertainty, it seems the problems that happened between Universcience and us are behind us. We are very happy about it. Today, the main communication channel with Universcience remains Parinux which creates a centralized organisation of events inside Paris area managed by Parinux organisation.

APRIL fees renewal

Fedora-fr renewed it fees to APRIL LUG for a 40€ amount.

Relationships with the Fedora Project and Red Hat.

The releationships with the Fedora Project are good. We have regular contacts with Paul W. Frields who remains very avalaible to any of our requests. The transition between Max Spevack and Paul Frieds is done and Max is no more our privileged contact. However, the transition between Paul Frieds and Jared Smith is to be done. We did not have any contact with Jared when we were writing this activity report.

Relationships with Red Hat were centered on the procedure around the Fedora brand protection. We agreed on the terms of the contract authorizing us using the Fedora brand into our website domain name. However, we will have to change the name of the Organization to remove the Fedora brand from it.

Local comunity (French)

The website activity is very healthy, as well as the forum and the French planet. A new release of the French magazine was achieved (MUFFIN. The future of the local project is threatened due to the absence of an influent project manager.

Infrastructure changes of

This year few changes have been made on our plateforme, there is a brief description :

  • Update from PunBB 1.2 (obsolete) to the last version of FluxBB 1.4. This version of FluxBB bring very few features but is the step to FluxBB 2.0. FluxBB is a fork on PunBB maintained and developed by the community while PunBB became the commercial product of the society which is developing it.
  • Update the mediawiki instances, the eZ Publish plateforme and the dotclear. The team is quite reactive on these update.
  • Fedora-Fr v5 is work in progress and should be release at the beginning of 2011
  • All the work done for Fedora-Fr is under FOSS license and available on the svn
  • Gauffr is a project to unify the authentification system of the different tool we are using around the forum so that user can have a single username and password. This project is developed under GPL and is available on

For 2011 the infrastructure team would like to :

  • Finalize and put in production Fedora-Fr v5
  • Obtain a new server and swith it to RHEL 6
  • Finalize and put in production Gauffr
  • Welcome new contributors.

The number of contributors to the infrastructure team will clearly be a very important aspect for 2011 especially the replacement of Johan at the lead of the documentation and management of the mediawiki instances.

Work for 2011

For the next council of the NPO few works are in progress and should be continued.

These works are :

  • Move the NPO to a fix address. At the moment the NPO is located at the address of the president, this is not stable enough and a better solution should be found.
  • Rename the NPO. For trademark reason the Fedora-Fr NPO will have to be renamed and the lose the word « Fedora » from its name.
  • Update the status of the NPO
  • Study the opportunity to change bank in order to benefit from online banking and eventually a paypal account.