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Revision as of 00:03, 28 June 2011 by Fenris02 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Script version of <code> #!/bin/bash DEBUG=1 if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "Must be run as root" ...")
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Script version of



if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then
  echo "Must be run as root"
  exit 0

if [ $(runlevel |awk '{print$NF}') != "3" ]; then
  echo "Must be run from runlevel 3"
  echo 0

# Do not set TMPDIR to any tmpfs mount, these files should remain after boot.
[ -d ${TMPDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

DS=$(date +%Y%d%m)

setenforce 0

echo "Cleaning up yumdb"
rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.00?
yum clean all

echo "Removing old packages from cache directories"
[ -n $DEBUG ] && read
DIST=$(rpm --eval '%{dist}')
for D in /var/cache/yum /var/lib/yum/plugins/local; do
  [ -d $D ] \
    && find $D -type f -name \*.rpm \
      |grep -v $DIST \
      |xargs rm -f

echo "Repairing permissions"
[ -n $DEBUG ] && read
rpm -a --setugids; rpm -a --setperms

yum install yum-utils

# Locate installed leaves packages that were installed as a dep of some other package
repoquery --installed --qf "%{nvra} - %{yumdb_info.reason}" \
  package-cleanup --leaves -q --all \
  |grep '\- dep' \
  |while read n a a; do \
    echo remove $n
  done > $YSHELL

# Locate installed desktops
yum grouplist -v \
  |sed '1,/^Installed/d;/^Available/,$d;s/[^()]*//;s/(//;s/)//;s/^/install @/' \
  |grep desktop >> $YSHELL

# Add default package sets
cat ->> $YSHELL <<EOT
reinstall policycoreutils*
reinstall selinux*
install @admin-tools
install @base
install @base-x
install @core
install @dial-up
install @fonts
install @hardware-support
install @input-methods
install @printing
install fpaste
install memtest86+
install redhat-lsb
install rpmconf

echo run >> $YSHELL

echo "Removing dependency leaves and installing default package sets"
[ -n $DEBUG ] && read
semanage -o ${TMPDIR}/selinux.customizations
mv /etc/selinux/targeted ${TMPDIR}/targeted.${DS}
yum shell $YSHELL
semanage -i ${TMPDIR}/selinux.customizations

echo "Moving ~/.config/ directories to ~/.config.${DS}"
getent passwd \
  |while IFS=: read userName passWord userID groupID geCos homeDir userShell; do
    [ -d "${homeDir}/.config" ] && echo mv "${homeDir}/.config" "${homeDir}/.config.${DS}"

echo "Correct labels"
[ -n $DEBUG ] && read
fixfiles -R -a restore

# Merge *.rpmnew files semi-automatically
rpmconf -a

echo "Build problem report"
[ -n $DEBUG ] && read
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/prelink ] \
  && . /etc/sysconfig/prelink \
  && /usr/sbin/prelink -av $PRELINK_OPTS >> /var/log/prelink/prelink.log 2>&1


# Generate reports
rpm -Va > ${TMPDIR}/rpm-Va.txt 2>&1
egrep -v '^.{9}  c /' ${TMPDIR}/rpm-Va.txt > ${TMPDIR}/URGENT-REVIEW.txt
egrep '^.{9}  c /' ${TMPDIR}/rpm-Va.txt > ${TMPDIR}/REVIEW-CONFIGS.txt
find /etc /var -name '*.rpm?*' > ${TMPDIR}/REVIEW-OBSOLETE-CONFIGS.txt

# Need a better way to fix caps
egrep '^.{8}P ' ${TMPDIR}/rpm-Va.txt \
  |awk '{print$NF}' \
  |xargs rpm -qf --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n' \
yum reinstall $(cat ${TMPDIR}/FCAPS-REINSTALL.TXT)

# Reboot script that works even when init has changed
cat -> ${TMPDIR}/ <<EOT

# Try this first:
shutdown -r now

sysctl -w kernel.sysrq=1 || echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq

# "Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring"
for ST in r e i s s s u b; do
  echo \$ST > /proc/sysrq-trigger

chmod 0700 ${TMPDIR}/

# Done
echo "Verify packages are installed the way you want and then type ${TMPDIR}/"