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Revision as of 19:25, 15 August 2011 by Jmoskovc (talk | contribs) (→‎Owner)
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Unify the UI for all problem reporting programs (mechanisms) in Fedora to improve the user experience by confronting them only one UI when reporting a problem.


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Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 16
  • Last updated: 2011-08-09
  • Percentage of completion: 100%

Detailed Description

The new reporting library will provide the same API as did the old backend (concerns only python programs - Anaconda, setroubleshoot, python-meh) so the change should be transparent without any change in the code. The only change (not required to make it work) would be to change the spec file to require the new library instead of the old one.

Benefit to Fedora

Unified user interface makes it easier for users to use it. Unifying the reporting backend will also mean that the config data is shared and users have to setup their credentials (like bugzilla name/password) only once.


  • create a bug reporting framework extensible by plugins by splitting the ABRT code - DONE
  • create a libreport package and add it to Fedora - DONE
  • create a python bindings for libreport - DONE
  • package the python bindings in Fedora - DONE

How To Test

1. Install the following packages

  • libreport
  • libreport-gtk
  • libreport-python (this one should obsolete the old report package)
  • libreport-plugin-bugzilla (reporter plugin to create tickets in Fedora bugzilla)

2. Try to report a problem

  • Anaconda crash
  • SELinux AVC
  • crash detected by ABRT

3. Expected results

  • if the bug is new then a new ticket should be created in bz
  • if the bug was reported it should let user know it found a duplice

User Experience

The bug reporting UI will change for:

  • Anaconda uncaught exceptions
  • setroubleshoot reports
  • firstboot uncaught exceptions


  • Anaconda
  • python-meh
  • firstboot
  • setroubleshoot

Contingency Plan

None necessary, revert to previous release behaviour.


  • Documents describing detailed configuration can be found here

Comments and Discussion

Release Notes

  • Fedora 16 brings the unified user interface for reporting problem from tools using ether python-meh or the python report library