The officers list is an attempt to bring more order and ownership to the Fedora Infrastructure. Anyone interested in joining the Infrastructure Team would be wise to get in touch with one of the officers in addition to following the steps outlined in the GettingStarted page.
The officers generally decide what needs to be done in the day to day operations of the various Fedora infrastructure facilities. The officers themselves work for the developers and end users but ultimately report to the Fedora Project Board. This basically means that we'll try to do whatever we can to fill needs and fix things but if we refuse for whatever reason, the final decision can be made by the Fedora Project Board. Such decisions, however, are rare.
In general the Fedora Infrastructure group is different from many of the other Fedora teams. Our existence, for the most part, is incidental. We exist for the sole purpose of providing facilities needed by the developers to create their works and to provide a distribution medium for those works. We also provide some of our own works to assist in this purpose, the voting system is a good example. Our current governance model is that of a meritocracy. Basically those that want to do work prove themselves by doing work. By investing time and effort to the Fedora project more access is given.
Unlike some other groups, all that's required to work on the Infrastructure is a Fedora Account and a signed CLA. A number of tickets can be found in the Ticketing System . See the GettingStarted for more information.
Infrastructure Lead
Mike McGrath - Project coordinator and general leadership. Provides general policies and guidelines for approval from the Fedora Infrastructure team. Since all of the Fedora community is voluntary work never really gets 'assigned' in the traditional sense.
A secondary function is to try to ensure separation of duties. Not even the Infrastructure Lead has access to everything. This not completely possible but at the very least we can make sure not everyone has all the keys to the all the cars.
Build System/Package Manager
Dennis Gilmore Build system manager and package safety.
Maintain plague setup and builders for Fedora Collection and EPEL. Maintain mock configs and the buildsys-build and buildsys-macros packages that are used to implement the minimal buildroots and disttags.
OS Manager
Jeffrey Tadlock Operating Systems, updates, you name it.
Efforts include making sure the core operating system and services meet the needs of those working on and maintaining Fedora Project services. This includes maintaining operating system health and stability and the functionality of production services (Apache, MySQL, Postgres, etc).
Security Officer
Luke Macken - In charge of coordinating security efforts for Fedora Infrastructure. Such efforts include:
- Developing and enforcing procedures and policy for Fedora Infrastructure
- Overseeing the deployment of new servers and services
- Coordinating the development and deployment of tools to help secure, monitor, and sustain Fedora's infrastructure
- Performing extensive audits of our network, systems, and web applications
- Keeping our systems secure from potential attackers, and responding to incidents accordingly
Development Manager
Toshio Kuratomi Manages infrastructure related development.
Red Hat Liaison
Warren Togami Primary Red Hat liaison
Community Liaison
Seth Vidal Representative and contact for community provided facilities