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Revision as of 18:00, 23 March 2012 by Samridh90 (talk | contribs)

🔗 Contact Information

  • Name: Samridh Srinath
  • Email Address: [mailto:]
  • Telephone: +919945817784
  • Blog URL: Started a blog at That's where I'll be blogging my progress through the summer if approved
  • Linkedin Profile:
  • Freenode IRC Nick: samy241190 on freenode. You can find me on #fedora-devel or #aeolus but you can also send me a message privately.

🔗 Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

Fedora 11 was the first linux distro I ever used and even though from then I've used many other distros, I always find myself coming back to Fedora again and again.
I'm using Fedora 15 currently (for me, the GNOME 3 desktop was a big attraction), but that's the part that I want to change. I've always been a user but never a contributor. It's time that I gave back to the FOSS community after so many years of taking from it.

🔗 Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora project or with any another open source project as a contributor (if possible please add some references as well)?

I have not had any experience contributing to the Fedora project or in fact, any other open source project in the past. But it's never too late to start is it? :)
As I mentioned above, this time around I want to contribute to the Fedora project, and what better way for a college student to start than through GSoC.

🔗 Did you participate with the past GSoC programs, if so which years, which organizations?

I have not participated in past GSoC programs.

🔗 Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC 2012 program, if yes, which team(s)/area(s), you are interested with?

Honestly, given a good start, I would definitely be willing to continue contributing to the Fedora project on a more permanent basis in the future. I am graduating from college June of 2012 and after that, I'm sure that I will have the time and inclination to support some part of a project as large as Fedora.
I have not really explored all the teams that come under Fedora, but I would like to contribute to the Aeolus-project and the Ruby SIG. The former because the cloud is something that's always caught my attention and desktop virtualization is something I would want to contribute to. I chose the Ruby SIG because I learnt Ruby recently and I love what it's capable off. In fact I have already subscribed to the rubySIG mailing list and added myself to the list of people interested in it, if that's any measure of my interest in the area :).
Also, I'm definitely open to being assigned to a particular project depending on the match between the need and my skills.

🔗 Why should we choose you over the other applicants?

In my opinion, the Fedora project should choose me for the following reasons:

  1. I am a college senior with a major in Computer Science and have a very strong foundation in basic CS fundamentals. I have a very good academic record to back up my claims (CGPA of 9.59/10.0 accumulated over the past 4 years). I have really good communication skills and I have a passion for learning new things.
  2. I have worked with languages like Python, C++, Java, etc., and open source frameworks like Django and Rails.
  3. I have had internships with two very reputed companies namely Microsoft India R & D(India Development Center) and National Instruments India R & D, which has given me a lot of industry exposure and taught me volumes about the software development life-cycle and how development actually takes place in the real world. I'm sure this knowledge is very valuable.
  4. I always take up the initiative to try and solve any issues that may come up during projects. Unless the issue is very critical and I really can't do anything to fix it, I would not approach my mentor and would try to resolve it using information from the internet. I effectively follow the principle of GIYF (Google is your friend :) )
  5. I pick up new languages/technologies really fast and know how to use documentations effectively. I need a very minimal ramp-up time before I can get started with a project.

If given a chance to work with the Fedora project, I would definitely to ensure that I give as much time as possible to the project and see it through to successful completion.