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< GSOC 2012

Revision as of 00:31, 6 April 2012 by Jrabbit (talk | contribs)

Contact Information

NOTE: We require all students to blog about the progress of their project time to time.

You are strongly encouraged to register on the Freenode network and participate in our IRC channels. For more information and other instructions, see:

Please answer following questions.

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

You [Fedora] have an exciting project with user feedback on package updates. I'm passionate about packaging.

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora project or with any another open source project as a contributor (if possible please add some references as well)?

Not with Fedora. I've written and contributed packages for Fink and [1], worked with Haiku OS for GSOC 2011. I'm currently a teaching assistant in a CS 1 course with Python and Pygame. I maintain 2-3 pypi packages.

Public code:

Did you participate with the past GSoC programs, if so which years, which organizations?

Yes 2011 with Haiku OS. I also participated in GCI 2010 (as a student) and 2011 (as a mentor for Haiku).

Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC 2012 program, if yes, which team(s)/area(s), you are interested with?

Likely, I don't use Fedora currently however so I am unfamiliar with where my interests would be best applied.

Why should we choose you over the other applicants?

I'm new to Fedora and its systems and can provide a fresh look. I'm familiar with many packaging issues as a desktop user of Mac OS X (Homebrew, macports and fink all have failings).

Proposal Description

Please describe your proposal in detail. Include:

* An overview of your proposal

A GUI for users to give feedback on updates.

* The need you believe it fulfills It should lower the barrier to contributing valuable QA data as a poweruser, and give maintainers feedback on their work.

* Any relevant experience you have

I've done package manager work with Haiku and made packages for PyPi, Haiku, Debian (Not accepted due to missing manual) and Fink. I'm very familiar with python.

* How do you intend to implement your proposal

MAGIC Starting by making a GUI that does only what the command-line Easy Karma does and working up to more features and making it pretty and more functional (for users and developers).

* Final deliverable of the proposal at the end of the period

A GUI that allows users to give karma to updates, packaged and submitted.

* A rough timeline for your progress

I'm not exactly sure how this will be segmented, I'm being smarter this year and not trying to write multiple pieces of software.

Week 1: Test out GUI toolkits for python, see current versions in fedora, see if they meet needs. Week 2-4: code, code, code Week 5: Package and polish. Week 6-10: code, code ,code (Improving based on feedback, adding features) Week 11-12: Documentation, final polish, put a bow on it.

* Any other details you feel we should consider

I look pretty good in a suit jacket.

Have you communicated with a potential mentor? If so, who?

Briefly with tflink.