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Revision as of 15:27, 6 April 2012 by Arunscaria91 (talk | contribs) (Project Proposal (GSOC 2012))

== Contact Information ==


Email Address  :

Telephone  : +91-8089528527

Blog URL  :

Freenode IRC Nick : scari

Resume  : link to resume[1]

Why do i want to work with fedora project?

     I am a last year engineering undergraduate from India and I would like do something innovative through GSOC. Specifically l’m more interested at system level programming and security based applications. Fedora, being a pioneer in the field of system level software. I strongly believe that working with the fedora team can bring out my caliber and can improve my skills. I consider this opportunity to work with fedora/Redhat team as the best opportunity to grab new skills and knowledge on system level design and programming.

Last year I participated GSOC under fedora which was a life changing experience. I am also aiming to continue my contribution to red-hat as an employee or intern or as a opensource contributor.

Do I have any past involvement with fedora or another open source project?

      Yes. Last year I participated GSOC under fedora for the project "SUDO support in SSSD" under the mentoring of Mr. Stephen Gallagher. Check [2]
      I successfully completed that project with the project goals I had in the beginning of the project. After GSOC I could continue my contribution to the project. Also the sssd team assigned one of the employees in their team to support the sudo feature. And my duty turned to help him in some situations. But after sometime, I found it was difficult to manage both SSSD and my academic project. So the frequency of contribution became low. But this year I will be graduated by the end of GSOC 2012. So I can continue my support to gluster. 
      This is because I am really interested to be hired at GlusterFS. I attended the interview happened in my college conducted by GlusterFS, Banglore, Indiia and I could qualified for the final round and HR interview. But due to unknown reasons they didn't offer the position. I believe its because of the discontinuity in the previous SSSD project. So I can assure you that this won't happen again. Because I want a job at GlusterFS badly. 

Did you participate with the past GSoC programs, if so which years, which organizations?

    As mentioned above I have participated in GSCO 2011 under fedora for the "SUDO support in SSSD" project.

Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC 2012 program, if yes, which team(s), you are interested with?

I would like to continue my contributions as I would like to join GlusterFS after my graduation.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

I am self motivated and a good learner with skills in programming. Also passionate about open source philosophy.

Above all, I am interested to work in GlusterFS even after the GSOC either as a contributor or as an employee. I believe you won't get any other application with such a strong desire to work in GlusterFS as a career path. Also,

     I am good at C/C++, Python, Java etc. Find my resume at [3]
     I am good at system level programming and Linux libraries.
     I am a quick learner.